Pizza Biscuit Sliders

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Chief Longwind Of The North

Aug 26, 2004
Tried something tonight that I've never made before. I took a tube of Pillsbury Grands, buttery biscuits, and made pizza sliders out of them. I carefully divided the biscuits into two halves, like mini burger buns, and placed cheddar, and mozzarella cheese to fit inside, followed by two slices of pepperoni, and a quarter slice of ripe tomato. Dressed it with a little EVOO, garlic powder, oregano, and dried basil. Into the oven at 350' for ten minutes. I'm very happy with the results.

I also made hone made taquitos by steaming corn tortillas until soft enough to roll, the filling with with Jimmy dean breakfast sausage, hot sauce, and sriracha mixed in, with a small stick of jack cheese inside, rolled it up, and baked for ten minutes. These came out nice and crispy.

It's boys night as DIL is out for the night. Can't wait till the grandkids, and their Dad get home. I can't eat these things, so I'll have salad. But I love making things for others, especially grandkids. Here's Pictures.'

Seeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North


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