Puppy Lust

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Master Chef
Sep 4, 2004
Galena, IL
I am suffering, especially in the wee hours of the morning, from puppy lust. I mostly believe that the right puppy will arrive at the right time (how it has always happened in my life). I can tell my husband is as well. In fact, I could have adopted a couple of dogs already, but a pet has to be a decision we both make, and if the doggie doesn't seem to say to me that my husband would fall in love with her, I'm not going there. I'm not going to actively look until spring ... Seriously, it was -10 this morning, try house training a puppy in that! And I'd like to get one trip, preferably to Quebec, before we commit to a little girlie. Anyone else in my position?
Puppy/Kitten Lust...all the time. I have to throw up my shields everytime I go to Petsmart, so I don't walk out with a box full of cats and kittens, just the food and litter I went in for.
Hey, the kitty litter was how I wound up buying my husband his very first dog. I had 40 or so people coming for a party, and went to change my cat's litter box. Ugh, and no bag of clean litter. So I jumped in the car and went to buy a fresh bag. This puppy looked at me, and I knew it was hubby's first dog. I just knew it. I asked if the pet shop owner would hold her for a day, and he said no; all the dogs would be gone within 24 hours (he wasn't lying or trying to trap me; we were in Hawaii, and at the time laws were such that it was hard for me to find small dogs, I'd been looking for a year). So I took home a month-old-puppy, a bag of dog food, a bag of kitty litter. My husband took one look (he'd never had a dog before) and it was love at first sight. He claims she looked at him and told him, "I love you, I love you, Please, Please, Please love me?"

Until I find a doggie who says the same thing to me, I'm not going to fall. And believe me, I've had several opportunities. But I have certain things in mind, because I want my husband to fall in love again when I bring one home.
We hadn't planned to get a dog, but when one of our customers told us that their neighbor had gotten himself in trouble with the law and was looking for someone to take his puppy because he was going to jail, we offered to become foster parents. When we arrived to get the pup, we found him on a 4 foot rope with no house, and just a pile of kibble that was left on the ground( which another neighbor put there). Once we got him home, we just had to keep him. Four years later, he is a very much loved member of the family. Meet Hootie!


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We hadn't planned to get a dog, but when one of our customers told us that their neighbor had gotten himself in trouble with the law and was looking for someone to take his puppy because he was going to jail, we offered to become foster parents. When we arrived to get the pup, we found him on a 4 foot rope with no house, and just a pile of kibble that was left on the ground( which another neighbor put there). Once we got him home, we just had to keep him. Four years later, he is a very much loved member of the family. Meet Hootie!

Beautiful puppy!:)
I definitely have kitty lust, however, having one in these apartments means an additional $300 deposit. I guess I'll just have to enjoy the kitties on Cats 101, Big Cats Diary and Cutest Cats 2010, vicariously.
I do that too. I still may have to get a cat. This past year I've got the furniture I need and the small kitchen appliances I want, not to mention the keyboard I didn't need, but wanted. I'd never get the deposit back, as I don't plan on moving again after moving all my life. How to keep the cat from escaping and where to keep the litter box are concerns too.
at the moment i am not lusting after a cat. charlie is only about seven months old. he is very very lively. was trying to cut out some fabric today and had to throw him off my cutting table five times. he kept jumping into the middle of the fabric. he is not the brightest bulb in the pack. thomas has always been so obedient, that i am floored by charlie, most of the time. i do know the feeling, however.
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