Of my notice, unsweeted chocolate commonly found on store shelves (Nestles, Hersheys, Bakers) is just chocolate. Nothing else added.
But, any others, such from bittersweet to german sweet, contain soy lecithin as an emulsifier.
I won't even begin to cite the ingredients used to create commercial "almond bark" and "candy coating" discs that many use for dipping! First of all, I don't have any to read from, but I recall seeing a rather exhaustive list of ingredients and additives, most having hyphens and numerals in and among the 15-letter words.... Also, I like to try and be a wee bit more accurate in what I espouse today... :roll:
By the way, I'm not intending here to knock the use of almond bark or the coating discs. I merely choose not to use them. In my book, whatever gets people into their kitchens making their own candy, in whatever form or fashion, is tops in my book!