Quiet Blender needed - neighbors complaining

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cuz they tell me. they make jokes about tin foil hats and hiding from the cia. i'm not talking about tin foil hats and cia stuff, this is just my neighbors
wow thanks guys. you are way more helpful and supportive than the toher places i've gone.

i don't THINK the landlord is part of this. it's an interesting idea though. i never thought about that.

i know i know i can move but obviously that screws up the lease. i can't afford that right now. i know i'm leaving once the lease is up in may though
Okay, you may not find this helpful but I would put carpeting up wherever you think the sound is penetrating whether it be on the floor or the walls. The carpeting will help diffuse the noise. Then at least you can prove that you have done everything that you could to correct the situation. And I have actually seen this done when parents didn't want to hear the stereo from their son's room. On the walls it makes a rather interesting conversation piece. I know it sounds kooky but it worked for them.
I know what they mean!!

My kids and I love making smoothies.I bought a twenty dollar blender when my twenty year old blender broke.My husband complained about how loud it was and threw it away.He bought me a forty dollar one and it is no better.These things are just garbage anymore.If he has his way this one is headed to the same place.We will definitely try the next one first.Your neighbor however is just being petty.We would never complain about something so stupid if we were in an apartment.
This is beyond blenders.

No doubt.

I'd no more purchase a new blender then I would stop using the one I already owned. Sounds like these are the kind of neighbors you can never please so there's no sense even trying. Screw them.
Some years ago a young couple in an apartment block near us were evicted because the noise they made whilst having sex was incredible.We could not hear them but the problem came to a head when people walking by would stop and cheer:)
I think everything that can be said has been. Since this has become more about other things and less about cooking appliances it is time to close this one down.

Thank you for your participation and help.
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