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"I am tomorrow, or some future day, what I establish today. I am today what I established yesterday or some previous day" - James Joyce
We could use this right about now.


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"Next to jazz music, there is nothing that lifts the sprit and strengthens the soul more that a good bowl of chili." ~ Harry James
All your life, you will be faced with a choice. You can choose love or hate…I choose love.
Johnny Cash
Laughter is wine for the soul - laughter soft, or loud and deep, tinged through with seriousness - the hilarious declaration made by man that life is worth living.

Seán O'Casey
In order to make things different in your life you must be willing to accept change.
"I do not think of old age as an ever-grimmer time that one must somehow endure, but as a time of leisure, freed from the factitious urgencies of earlier days, free to explore whatever I wish, and to bind the thoughts and feelings of a lifetime together." - Oliver Sacks
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