Random Photo Thread: The Sequel

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Thanks, everyone! :) I never get tired of looking at the beautiful colors in nature.

There was a gorgeous sunrise this morning too, but I didn't want to bundle up at 6:45 this morning when it was barely 30F to go out and get a picture. :blink: Seeing it through my bedroom window sufficed. :LOL:
Woo Hoo, the whole house has been painted. :clap:

:flowers:This shows our new color scheme along with our new special order "porch rules" sign. We're both over the moon happy with the new look. Time for us to sit on the porch again.:cool:

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MarcD, my son-in-law is a firefighter, too - and yes, those boys can cook! :chef: Steve works at a very small fire station, only 9 guys there total, 3 for each shift. They share cooking duties so no one person has to do it all. They're planning their Thanksgiving feast this week.

Here's their kitchen
View attachment 23839

Year 'round outdoor grilling area for the boys :chef:
View attachment 23840

Future firefighter :wub: :LOL:
View attachment 23841

Oh, my that would be my dream kitchen!

Sent from my iPad using Discuss Cooking
Took some pix at the mummy-in-law's place The first one is of a black squirrel who obviously has some red squirrel ancestry.

The second one is of the Xmas tree in the front yard. The lights were put on the outside of the tree 9 years ago. The lights at the bottom right are on a bush.


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Very pretty trees and lights, Taxy. Looks cold there. :ohmy:

That squirrel's tail - such a definitive line between black and red! :LOL:

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