Rescued Pets

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Oh Skittle I hope you can catch your kitty! Did I mention that once we did catch our cat it sounded like he was in pain he was yelling so loud. He wasn't hurt, just traumatized I guess, but really bad spuds coming from the trap.
My son Spike just left. He had to do Cat Patrol today. There is a building that he oversees. Right now they are in the middle of gutting it. Sometime about 18 days ago, when the workers were in there, a cat went in. they locked when they finished and never noticed the cat. The woman across the street noticed the cat sitting in the window. Nobody had been working there for over a week. She called Animal Patrol, but the man could not get in the building. So he left a notice on the door.

Well after everyone had been notifed about the notice, my son went up and bought a can of cat food and a pint of milk. He unlock the building and opened all the doors. The cat was skittish at first but he ran outside and started to tear open a plastic bag of rubbish that had food in it. He started to gnaw on some chicken bones. My son put down the cat food and he was gulping it down. When my son went to give him the milk, he ran under a car, so my son put the cat food and milk under there. He took pictures so the Animal Control can see that the cat is now out of the building. It is a Sylvester type of cat. Hopefully it is someone's cat and they will see it and take it in. the cat had been in the building for 18 days with no food or water. Hopefully, if no one in the neighborhood can claim the cat, Animal control can catch it and give it shelter. :angel:
18 days! Oh the poor kitty. Water is always the bigger need in that kind of situation. He may have found some small critters to eat.
18 days! Oh the poor kitty. Water is always the bigger need in that kind of situation. He may have found some small critters to eat.

When my son told me that, my heart just about broke. He drank up that milk like it was gold. He took in the whole pint. :angel:
In case that happens again, maybe leave at least one faucet dribbling with a bowl underneath. Cats are amazing at getting in to places where they shouldn't.
In case that happens again, maybe leave at least one faucet dribbling with a bowl underneath. Cats are amazing at getting in to places where they shouldn't.
A friend of mine's tomcat was missing for exactly two weeks. When he came home, he was a blur that headed straight for the water bowl. We think he got locked in someones garage while they were away on a two week vacation. He was also very dusty.
In case that happens again, maybe leave at least one faucet dribbling with a bowl underneath. Cats are amazing at getting in to places where they shouldn't.

There arre no services to the building. It is being completely gutted. The water and the electricity are shut off from outside. Ths building has been sitting empty for a number of years. It was condemed a numer of years ago and was scheduled to be torn down. Martin bought it and is fixing it up as two apartments. My son does contracting work for Martin. :angel:
Then maybe checking the building once a week or leave an upstairs window open by 3 inches. Have to be better than cleaning up a starved cat.

Or install a one way kitty door.
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Then maybe checking the building once a week or leave an upstairs window open by 3 inches. Have to be better than cleaning up a starved cat.

Or install a one way kitty door.

My son spoke to John, the contractor that is doing the work. He told him to search the building whenever he is not going to be there for a length of time. The only windows not boarded up are on the third floor. And my son will be notified when no one is going to be working there for a while so he can go and check to see that no one has broken in. Or any animals are in there. John should have notified my son that they were going to stop work for a few weeks. There are expensive tools and other supplies left there. Any thing stolen that has to be replaced will be charged to the job. Martin (the owner) may be wealthy, but he is not stupid. :angel:
Oh good...don't want to lay awake thinking about trapped kitties. I know it happens, but I don't want to think about it.
Oh good...don't want to lay awake thinking about trapped kitties. I know it happens, but I don't want to think about it.

I am just grateful for the nosey neighbor across the street. She knew there hadn't been any workers at the building for more than a week, and she saw the cat sitting in the window. She called Animal Control. She has done nothing but give the workers grief. She keeps calling the building department and reporting stupid violations, that aren't real. Things like there are building supplies on the sidewalk. (The workers just hadn't brought them inside right away after delivery.) But this time she was right. :angel:
Well, the orange cat that has been spotted was not my cat :( we had him/her cornered under a shed, and s/he slipped by me and took off into the woods. I'm going to leave my live trap set up for awhile, and I told the person who owns the shed to give me a call if s/he turns up again. It is insane how much this stray looks like my cat. I thought it was him until I s/he came out in daylight. S/he is too small and has orange on her cheeks that I thought was dirt before I could see it clearly. Cute little kitty, so maybe s/he will find a new home with me. I really wish it had been him tho...
Well, the orange cat that has been spotted was not my cat :( we had him/her cornered under a shed, and s/he slipped by me and took off into the woods. I'm going to leave my live trap set up for awhile, and I told the person who owns the shed to give me a call if s/he turns up again. It is insane how much this stray looks like my cat. I thought it was him until I s/he came out in daylight. S/he is too small and has orange on her cheeks that I thought was dirt before I could see it clearly. Cute little kitty, so maybe s/he will find a new home with me. I really wish it had been him tho...

Sounds like a kitty in need of a good home. And you sound just like the person to give it one. :angel:

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