
The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Executive Chef
Apr 1, 2013
Pittsburgh PA
I've been MIA and started reading the forum today. It's good to see so many of the same members are still here posting.

I've been well, just getting older and I don't cook much anymore. But I intend to stick around!
Nice to see you back Carol. We were a wee bit worried what had happened to you. I'm glad that you sound okay. Well, the getting older part has its drawbacks. "Old age isn't for sissies." But, it's better than the alternative. ;)
There's a saying where I'm from. You may leave, but you will always come back. However, my home town has changed, and I'm not going back. I do believe that the saying is valid here in our DC comunity. Being here is like being home. It's a place with good people, good friends, and great food ideas. Welcome home, Carol.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
Hey, Carol! Glad to see you show up again. Stick around and tell us what you're eating whether or not you cooked it. Hope all is well in spite of the "growing older" thing. Like taxy said, it beats the alternative. Any day on this side of the grass is good!

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