Rib-eye steak HELP!!

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Washing Up
Jul 12, 2008
I bought 2 beautiful 1 1/2 lb. rib-eye steaks on a wim. I couldn't resist. Now I need suggestions as to what to do with them. I say a show about Philly Cheese Steaks, they said they used thinly sliced rib-eye. My question would be which way do I slice them, end to end or across the large surface?
just grill 'em as is, with a bit of salt and pepper; med rare. Serve with something simple that you like: baked potato, salad, cheesey bread, beans, pilaf, etc...
Not sure if you want to go with the grain or against, or if it really matters on a ribeye.

Either way put them in the freezer for a little before slicing, makes it much easier!
Rib eye is too yummy not to be savored as is IMO. Toss it on the BBQ for a few minutes and enjoy it like that. Mmmmmmm. Sooo envious Patty!
Dry brine it and slap in on the grill for no more than med-rare. Eat as is. Like Alix said,rib eye is too good to do any other way.
Slice it end to end, across the grain.
Ribeye is a great cut to use for Philly Cheese Steaks.
It is also superb as spicy sweet Korean Bulgogi.
Ain't a waste to experience rib eye other than au natural!!!! :)
Dry brine it and slap in on the grill for no more than med-rare. Eat as is. Like Alix said,rib eye is too good to do any other way.

GB, how does one go about dry brining??? I've heard this can take a so-so piece of meat, and make it spectacular... So do tell... ;):)

Slice it end to end, across the grain.
Ribeye is a great cut to use for Philly Cheese Steaks.
It is also superb as spicy sweet Korean Bulgogi.
Ain't a waste to experience rib eye other than au natural!!!! :)

Thank you. This is what I was looking for. I think I left a word out of my o/p. It should have read 1 1/2 lbs each!!! Way too much meat for me. I did have the Cheese Steaks in mind when I bought it. I should really not be allowed to shop. I wasn't even hungry, but they looked sooo good. We really need online grocery shopping here. :LOL: It was on a whim and money spent I really could not afford. But what is done is done. So I want to make the most of it.
Keep your ideas coming!
GB, how does one go about dry brining??? I've heard this can take a so-so piece of meat, and make it spectacular... So do tell... ;):)
Dry brining is a bit different from wet brining which might be what you heard of previously. Wet bringing is great for chicken and pork, but you would not want to wet brine a steak.

To dry brine a steak what you do is liberally rub both sides with kosher salt and then wrap in plastic wrap tightly. Put it in the fridge for 24 hours. You can get away with less time to more time, but a day is a good amount of time to shoot for. Now most people before they hear of this technique would wince at the thought of pre-salting their meat because it draws out the moisture, but this is exactly what you want to happen. The key is letting it sit enough time.

The salt will draw out the moisture initially, but then it will dissolve the salt. Once that happens you have a piece of meat sitting in a salty solution. through osmosis, the meat will then begin to reabsorb the salty liquid. You will end up seasoning your steak from the inside out. Instead of having a piece of meat that is seasoned on the outside, but naked on the inside you will have a piece of meat that is seasoned consistently throughout the entire piece. The end result is even juicier than if you had not dry brined because the salt holds the liquid inside once it is reabsorbed.
Ain't a waste to experience rib eye other than au natural!!!! :)
I hope my post did not imply that people can not get enjoyment for a rib eye in other ways. I only meant to speak for myself. My apologies if it came across otherwise. By all means, eat it the way you enjoy.
Besides the cheese steak you could slice it thin and quickly saute it with some salt, pepper, cumin, toasted sesame and a tiny pinch of both nutmeg and cinnamon. Then serve it on a wrap ( or a Naan flatbread) with some tzaziki, diced cucumber, thin sliced onion and shredded lettuce...yum
You could also use it to make a Chinese pepper steak or beef stroganoff.

The Cheese Steak was pretty tasty!! I made Beef and Broccoli with the rest of the meat as I had put onions and peppers on the sub. I am having that with Saturdays musgo's (leftover jasmine rice). The other steak I re-wrapped and put in the freezer.

Thank you'all for you're help.:chef:
Next time..
Season well with steak seasonings you like. Preheat your oven to 500F.
Get an iron skillet hot, just a little bit of oil in the skillet. Pop the steak on the skillet, brown quickly on one side, Flip the steak over and immediately slip into the oven for 5 or 6 minutes(check for how done you want it).
I do rib eyes this way. Love them.

2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
2 teaspoons Montreal Seasoning
1 teaspoon Espresso (any coffee ground to a fine powder will work)

Mix all thoroughly and rub both side of the steak with the mix. Cover in a container and refridge for 2-4 hours.

Fire up the grill and cook to taste. I like it very hot seared both sides but rare.


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