Sat. Supper 12/8/18 Nat. Brownie Day

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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I made stuffed grape leaves for the first time yesterday, with a filling of ground lamb and rice. It turned out really well and didn't take as long as I was expecting. I'll definitely do this again.

Served with homemade pita chips, tzatziki and beans from the garden simmered with a can of diced tomatoes, shallots, garlic and Penzeys Greek Seasoning.
Saturday night.

Bourbon...Fried catfish...Mustard/Turnip greens/roots...Cornbread fritters full of G onions and jalapenos. Chocolate Ice Cream,.
I've never eaten quiche. Instead, I make frittatas, crustless quiches in a way.
I keep trying to justify my purchase of a quiche pan from back in the 1970s. :LOL:
Try brushing the crust with a beaten egg before blind baking. It will create a seal that will prevent the crust from getting soggy.
Before or after I put the pie weighs into the pan?
Checking out that recipe CG, I can't imagine a great Quiche with only..
It has to be a typo as any recipe I've seen calls for at least 4x that amount of cheese.
A number of things were off. I'll probably try this recipe again except:
1) I'll reduce the leeks to 2 cups
2) I'll decrease the cream to 1 1/4 cups and add another egg (total 4 eggs)
3) I'll definitely up the cheese (I think I actually used over 1/2 cup anyway)
4) Maybe I'll just buy the pre-made ones at the grocery store and give my pan to Salvation Army. :mrgreen:
Used some Beyond Beef crumbles seasoned with bulgogi sauce to make sloppy joes. It was tasty but did not look so good. Still working on the recipe. Also had a salad it did look good.


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