Saturday night dinnner 3-4-2023

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Crawfish boil soup. When we do a crawfish boil we use potatoes, onions, garlic, corn on the cob, andouille, lemons, and, of course crawfish in a spicy cooking broth. We always have some of everything left. So, I make soup using the potatoes, onion, and garlic, puree them with some chicken broth, stir in sliced andouille and the corn cut off the cob, and freeze it for later use. We freeze some crawfish separately to stir into the soup after it's reheated.
A hotdog with the works, French fries, and a glass of sugar free chocolate skim milk. 🐷

I was surprised and a bit sad that the frozen French fries were from Egypt.

A couple weeks ago I noticed that a bag of frozen riced cauliflower from Wegman’s was packaged in Italy.

“A nation that cannot feed itself is not free”

We finished off the "taco meat" in a taco frito salad. The salad had oak leaf lettuce, sorrel, rainbow chard, scallion greens, red onion, daikon radish, red cabbage, corn kernels, and was dressed with the last of my batch vinaigrette. I put that on the table along with the Fritos, heated taco meat, shredded cheese, sliced yellow onion, pickled jalapeño slices, sour cream, tomatillo salsa, and taqueria sauce. Then we each assembled our salads to our own taste. I really enjoyed that.


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    Taco Frito salad 2.jpg
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I have been busy in the kitchen today, doing everything from skullery maid to head chef work. Tonight's dinner was Picadillo; I made a full recipe and froze half.

Tomorrow's supper is finishing simmering - vegetable beef soup. Also pre-cooked 3.5# of ground beef because I will be making a vat of spaghetti sauce tomorrow - some of which will be used in a pan of lasagna I'm making on Monday. Whew, am I beat!
We finished off the "taco meat" in a taco frito salad. The salad had oak leaf lettuce, sorrel, rainbow chard, scallion greens, red onion, daikon radish, red cabbage, corn kernels, and was dressed with the last of my batch vinaigrette. I put that on the table along with the Fritos, heated taco meat, shredded cheese, sliced yellow onion, pickled jalapeño slices, sour cream, tomatillo salsa, and taqueria sauce. Then we each assembled our salads to our own taste. I really enjoyed that.
In New Mexico, we call this frito pie. I'm planning on fixing this real soon.
I had Wendy's – 4 nuggets and a handful of fries last night for dinner.
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