A few years back ATK's host claimed that the old saying 'you can't teach an old dog new tricks' was not always so.
Here's ATK's 'new' way of deep frying 'frites'.
I have followed this method for the last few years and it REALLY does produce excellent fries. But you HAVE to follow the instructions to the letter.
Have a deep enough pot so no boiling oil will bubble up.
Pour enough ROOM temperature oil to come halfway up the pot.
I sunflower oil but I've used all kinds of oils. Your choice.
The potatoes MUST be Yukon Gold or some other firm yellow flesh type. Russets WILL NOT work with this method.
I don't peel the potatoes. Just a good scrub and pat dry.
Then cut them into about 5/16th "X5/16th " lengths. Like the size you get at Wendy's etc. As you cut up each potato just dump them in the ROOM temperature oil.
When you've got all the potatoes you want sitting in the oil make sure the oil isn't too far up the side of the pot. You want to leave lots of room so the oil doesn't boil over and burn your house to the ground.
Now put the pot on the stove top and turn up the temp to high.
The oil will gradually get hot and the oil will begin to bubble. The bubbling is actually moisture coming off the fries.
This is the critical part. DO NOT!!!!!! play with/stir/touch the fries as they are cooking. Leave them totally alone.
If the oil is boiling too much turn the heat down just a bit. You need the oil to be boiling though.
As the moisture is coming off the potatoes the bubbling will lessen. About the time the fries are a nice golden brown is when the bubbling is coming to an end.
Have a big bowl lined with paper towel ready. Carefully use a spider or something to take the golden fries out of the oil and into the bowl. Give the fries a toss and add as much Kosher salt or whatever as you like. Serve right away but even after the fries have gone cold they are crispy and delicious.
I shared this method with a friend the other day. She followed the method to the letter and called to say she and her husband thought the fries were the best they had ever had.
I said don't thank me thank the dude on ATK.
When the oil has cooled usually overnight I strain it into a container and store it in the fridge till next time. The oil is fine for about 6 uses.
Here's ATK's 'new' way of deep frying 'frites'.
I have followed this method for the last few years and it REALLY does produce excellent fries. But you HAVE to follow the instructions to the letter.
Have a deep enough pot so no boiling oil will bubble up.
Pour enough ROOM temperature oil to come halfway up the pot.
I sunflower oil but I've used all kinds of oils. Your choice.
The potatoes MUST be Yukon Gold or some other firm yellow flesh type. Russets WILL NOT work with this method.
I don't peel the potatoes. Just a good scrub and pat dry.
Then cut them into about 5/16th "X5/16th " lengths. Like the size you get at Wendy's etc. As you cut up each potato just dump them in the ROOM temperature oil.
When you've got all the potatoes you want sitting in the oil make sure the oil isn't too far up the side of the pot. You want to leave lots of room so the oil doesn't boil over and burn your house to the ground.
Now put the pot on the stove top and turn up the temp to high.
The oil will gradually get hot and the oil will begin to bubble. The bubbling is actually moisture coming off the fries.
This is the critical part. DO NOT!!!!!! play with/stir/touch the fries as they are cooking. Leave them totally alone.
If the oil is boiling too much turn the heat down just a bit. You need the oil to be boiling though.
As the moisture is coming off the potatoes the bubbling will lessen. About the time the fries are a nice golden brown is when the bubbling is coming to an end.
Have a big bowl lined with paper towel ready. Carefully use a spider or something to take the golden fries out of the oil and into the bowl. Give the fries a toss and add as much Kosher salt or whatever as you like. Serve right away but even after the fries have gone cold they are crispy and delicious.
I shared this method with a friend the other day. She followed the method to the letter and called to say she and her husband thought the fries were the best they had ever had.
I said don't thank me thank the dude on ATK.
When the oil has cooled usually overnight I strain it into a container and store it in the fridge till next time. The oil is fine for about 6 uses.