Sunday, August 27 - I Can’t Believe It’s (so much!) Butter

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Jade Emperor

Sous Chef
Apr 12, 2023
Hello from the Antipodes, where it is Sunday now.
Tonight, my menu will be digging into the cobwebs of my memories from my days in fine dining techniques and French gastronomy.
More to be revealed later, but just as I am doing my planning, it strikes me that there is SO MUCH butter in these recipes, so I’m pulling back quite a bit so that I am using only a good amount of butter in the aspects of my plate that really need it.
I am hoping that as we get accustomed to the format of posting our daily meals in the day on which our day lands, we might also bring in aspects of discussing our plans and reaching out for suggestions so that we can make better dishes for ourselves and our loved ones 🫠
Hello from the Antipodes, where it is Sunday now.
Tonight, my menu will be digging into the cobwebs of my memories from my days in fine dining techniques and French gastronomy.
More to be revealed later, but just as I am doing my planning, it strikes me that there is SO MUCH butter in these recipes, so I’m pulling back quite a bit so that I am using only a good amount of butter in the aspects of my plate that really need it.
I am hoping that as we get accustomed to the format of posting our daily meals in the day on which our day lands, we might also bring in aspects of discussing our plans and reaching out for suggestions so that we can make better dishes for ourselves and our loved ones 🫠
I love your thoughts on this!
Seared Yellowfin Tuna with Steamed Garlic Asparagus, Capsicum and Yuzu Beurre Blanc 🫠


Cook’s Notes:

Making the beurre blanc took me back. It’s been a long since I have made it, and as you might see, it didn’t quite mount the way I wanted it. I think it was perhaps the yuzu that kept it from getting the consistency I was looking for.

Considering the $$$ I spent on the tuna steaks, I was really careful to make sure I did it justice and didn’t get too many flavours competing on the plate.

MrJade adored this one, and immediately insisted that I put it into the dinner rotation. “Oh, but of course, dear!” I said, “As long as you are buying the tuna!”
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A cup of bean soup and a couple slices of homemade kielbasa loaf with whole grain Wasa, spicy mustard and Wegman’s tiny cornichon pickles.

I scaled down the recipe and made a one pound test loaf using a commercial meatloaf mix with beef, pork, and veal. It turned out nice but I need to tweak the spices a little and may use fresh garlic next time.

I was over at one of my other brothers' houses this evening (but still the cook) and made the chilli recipe I mentioned in another thread! It went down well and a lovely evening was had. It even managed not to rain so we spent most of the time outside (very rare this summer). My brother Rob has what seems to be a pretty tame Blackbird that bopped about the garden - apparently not bothered by us at all. (We are not rowdy by any means and the garden is pretty tranquil.)
I was over at one of my other brothers' houses this evening (but still the cook) and made the chilli recipe I mentioned in another thread! It went down well and a lovely evening was had. It even managed not to rain so we spent most of the time outside (very rare this summer). My brother Rob has what seems to be a pretty tame Blackbird that bopped about the garden - apparently not bothered by us at all. (We are not rowdy by any means and the garden is pretty tranquil.)
Maybe the blackbird knew you weren't going to eat it, LOL!
Hello from the Antipodes, where it is Sunday now.
Tonight, my menu will be digging into the cobwebs of my memories from my days in fine dining techniques and French gastronomy.
More to be revealed later, but just as I am doing my planning, it strikes me that there is SO MUCH butter in these recipes, so I’m pulling back quite a bit so that I am using only a good amount of butter in the aspects of my plate that really need it.
I am hoping that as we get accustomed to the format of posting our daily meals in the day on which our day lands, we might also bring in aspects of discussing our plans and reaching out for suggestions so that we can make better dishes for ourselves and our loved ones 🫠
I absolutely disagree. I am happy to see supper posts when people are making or eating their suppers, whatever time zone they are in. But, I do not want to see questions about those supper posted many hours before suppertime in that time zone. Yes, this applies especially to members who live just west of the international date line. That's simply asking for confusion, when it sounds like it is the supper thread for that date. Right now, in the Eastern time zone of North America, it's Monday. Should I start a supper thread now asking what I should make? No! If I want to ask questions or get suggestions or start a discussion about a possible supper or whatever about supper. I would start a separate post that didn't try to be the day's supper thread. \end rant.
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Our supper was a pork loin roast with stir fried vegis and brown basmati rice. I tried a new-to-me ginger-garlic-onion paste for stir fries to flavour the vegis. It worked a treat. I also poured the pan drippings from the roast in with the vegis. They were the best part of that meal, which is saying a lot, coming from the carnivorous taxlady. ;)

Pork loin roast, stir fried vegis, and brown basmati rice.jpg
My chicken fajitas were great! Hubby grew red and yellow bell peppers plus jalapeños this year that I sautéed. I got a hard pan sear on my seasoned chicken breast. Also I used fresh cilantro and tomatoes from the garden. We've always got scallions growing too. I had a can of refried beans in the pantry and sour cream in the frige, plus shredded cheese. I like to keep bulbs of roasted garlic in the frige, I smoosh it and add it to my dishes regularly and I used that with the peppers. I find it tastier than raw cloves.

Cheese rolls from a fundraiser grandkids were running. We bought 3 dozen.
We had a big tea last night so quick tea tonight.
I slice of bread buttered and spread with a mixture cheese maggi onion soup powder. Then rolled up.
Giggle Southland cheese rolls for more info.

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