Sunday Special- Pop Culture Quiz- The Sixties

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
Sunday Special- Pop Culture Quiz- The Sixties

(George Burns) "The memory is the second thing to go, you know."
(Policeman) Oh yeah ? What's the first?"
(George Burns) "............ I don't remember !"

1. Fill in the blank;
Barney Fife was Sheriff Taylor's deputy, and also his _________.
2. In 2001- A Space Odyssey, what song does the HAL 9000 computer sing?
3. Who replaced SUPREMES member Florence Ballard in 1967 ?
4. Maxwell Smart worked for CONTROL; what was the evil group he was out to defeat ?
5. The legendary actor Spencer Tracy died in 1967, just weeks after completing what film ?
6. In 1961's The Absent-Minded Professor, what does bumbling scientist Ned Brainard invent ?
7. In the 1960 movie Psycho, Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) is "on the lam" after stealing how much money from her employer ?
8. Who played the character of Endora on TV's Bewitched ?
9. Add the missing line to this TV series Theme song;
The mate was a mighty sailing man
The skipper brave and sure
Five passengers set sail that day
_____________________ , _________________ !
10. Name the first #1 hit by the Young Rascals.
(Hint; it was a cover of an R&B tune by the Olympics)
11. How much does Lucy charge Charlie Brown for counseling sessions ?
12. Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor starred together in, among others, three critically-acclaimed films in the 60's; name them.
13. What was the last name of The Dick Van Dyke Show'sRob and Laura ?
Bonus; What TV show did Rob write jokes for?
14. What rocker fronted the Velvet Underground before having a very successful solo career ?
15. While we're on the subject, what band did Ted Nugent head up before HIS solo career?
16. Faye Dunaway earned her first Oscar nomination in 1967 for her role in what film ?
17. Which Family household did Hazel (Shirley Booth) rule with an iron fist ?
18. Name the 1961 film that brought Jackie Gleason his only Oscar (best supporting actor) nomination.
(....and he won !)
19. In the film, Valley of the Dolls, what are "Dolls" ?
20. What famous TV cartoon duo lived in Frostbite Falls, Minnesota ?
21. Name the band who had a 1965 hit with "Mrs. Brown, You've got a Lovely daughter"
(Bonus- Name the lead singer of the group)
22. What song did the Beatles open with on the first Ed Sullivan Show appearance in 1964 ?
23. Name the four Beatles feature films.
24. Name the 1965 / 66 Pop-Rock-variety show that featured revolving hosts such as Paul Anka and Frankie Avalon.
25. What were the two words most often uttered by (Addams Family) Lurch ?

Had enough ? Stay tuned; Sunday Special- Pop Culture Quiz- The 70's
is under construction

1. Cousin
2. A bicycle Built for Two (AKA "Daisy Bell")
3. Cindy Birdsong
5. Guess Who's coming to Dinner
6. Flubber
7. $40,000
8. Agnes Moorehead
9. For a three-hour tour, a three-hour tour !
10. Good Lovin' -1966
11. Five cents
12. Cleopatra- Who's afraid of Virginia Wolfe- The Taming of the Shrew
13. Petrie- The Alan Brady Show
14. Lou Reed
15. The Amboy Dukes
16. Bonnie and Clyde
17. The Baxters
18. The Hustler
19. Drugs; specifically, Pills
20. Rocky and Bullwinkle
21. Herman's Hermits (Peter Noone)
22. "All my Loving"
23. A Hard Day's Night, Help!, Let It Be, Yellow Submarine
25. "You Rang??"
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Ken Kesey and his bunch; some became grateful dead..
("You're either "On the Bus" or "Off The Bus!)
"Electric Kool ade Acid Test"...........
Oh Boy.......................:angel:................what a decade!
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