The Person Below Me

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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lol.. no... I like it. Well.. I like watching him play it. DARN IT ANYWAY! lol

is still in pjs and happy about it
No I'm good, cranked up the oven for fish sticks.

TPBM would not have liked to join us for lunch!
I would have liked to join you at the table but...would have skipped eating

is starting to know me well
I think so.... :)

TPBM can tell me how I'm gonna get these legs sewn on NEATLY onto this spider!
With black thread? ( I didn't know you were making a spider!)

is so cleaver and creative..she makes me feel un- artsy
LOL, I'm only this creative when it's someone else's pattern!
Scrapbooking will never happen for me because I have no imagination...

TPBM wonders where the sun went....
this time of year yes. still need to tear out the garden before the neighbors think we're even bigger losers....

TPBM did not buy the house next door and isn't suprise moving in today.... is for sale though.. and I would like to buy it since it's smaller than ours.

can still smell fish
LOL no but I bet TJ can in 6 hours when he gets up!!

TPBM is feeling the lazy come back but should be making meatballs. I don't think I can do that with chicken legs

has a secret she can't tell
i am getting a little chilly..... I should cook....

TPBM is glad the fabric softner a little person opened for "tissues" was not liquid this time......

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