The Person Below Me

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yep! I'm 43, Do you think it's a mid life crisis??? or just boredom lol?

knows the cure is RUM!
not sure if its the cure but it sure dont hurt to try!!!!

TPBM will 'scuse me for a few while i force myself into the shower.
i certainly do!!!!!

TPBM will remind me this evening to do this earlier tomorrow.
I sure will! ( I'll add it to my list!!)

can tell me where I left my keys... cuz, the sure aren't where I thought I left them (again)
did the hutch eat them?

TPBM has a kid that is always dancing when he's standing so you think he always is putting off going potty.
just shortly an hour ago or so.....

TPBM is on her own for dinner again tonight.
Do you think he'll get the idea if i keep eating with out him and feeding him warmed up food...

doesn't think it's healthy to eat at 9:30pm
Heck I'd settle for six or seven

would like family dinners to include the whole family every night also
yeah, that'd be nice. 2 a week don't cut it.

TPBM will talk me out of letting the books go overdue 1 more day....
If it's safe to drive you should go... you'll feel good getting out of the house and it'll be nice for the kids. Maybe, you could stop and get a little treat?

Is craving a DQ blizzard.. with Oreo's!!!
no not too bad today, its 24.... ABOVE!

TPBM loves coffee any time of day.
no. dont get to have that too often.

TPBM would like to have a drink but has to drive in a bit and can't.
since he has the car I could have as many as I'd like but...since it's only 5o'clock some where else and only 1:51pm here... I shall wait ( prbly three or four days! lol)

knows I really hardly ever drink
yeah, i know that. i drink enough for us both.... probably Kathe too.

TPBM thinks its probably not THAT much.
on days like today... I wish I drank that much plus a little more... I wish I liked it more : )

saw the new Prez this morning shaking hands with the old Prez

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