The Person Below Me

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yeah, but he gets a vacation soon!!!

TPBM doesn't go anywhere on vacation.
Yes, doggie toys. Just like kids, they take them all out of the box at once but don't put any back!

TPBM is going to make orange truffles tonight.
Well I don't think I am...but would certainly like to live next door to someone who was.

TPBM is going to stay up late since she took a long long nap
No nap today, but I will stay up at least until DH gets home from his first shift at work (midnight maybe) and that is late for me!

TPBM is ready for bed now.
I can't go until Feb. and I'm not sure if I can wait that long...

is spending a quiet weekend at home
nope...just leftovers.

is confusing me... ( off work already?? Did you start at 3:00am)
short day....I was done playing with dough by 10.

TPBM doesn't mind I'm here early...

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