The Person Below Me

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no the connection is too slow it skips and burps too much for me to handle.

TPBM just saw a kids dirty sock hanging from the stairway light fixture!!!!!!!
lol... no but the spiders did make a pretty web up there...

wanted high ceilings but is rethinking that request now
lol thanks for the tip!!!!

TPBM needs a really long pole to put a swiffer on...
um, i sorta am.... just waiting for the dough to chill a little.....
I should stick it outside it would go FAST!

TPBM likes being able to put the cold drinks all outside during winter gatherings to save fridge space!
nope. it left awhile

TPBM would rather sneeze than lose it cuz sneezing is sorta fun.
If I could sneeze once I'd say yes but I always sneeze five or six times in a row and it hurts! lol

wishes she had a new cell phone
sorta. mine does what it needs to but one with a keyboard would be fun cuz I text TJ alot.

TPBM doesnt text much.
we don't even have texting turned on ( it's tooo costly!! lol)

uses email a lot during the day
nope, not looking forward to tonights either

is thinking about nap time in about an hour
and then again, and again......
but my bad days cant compare to people that have alot less than I do.

TPBM should make the sauce because my house is SO toasty now that I may bake all night!
lol.. I should... but it only has to cook on the stove for a few minutes... which won't warm the kitchen up too much.

is HAPPY she finally started baking!
lol, no not really!!! I just HAVE TO!

TPBM is kinda worried about the man's drive again tonight.

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