Thursday, December 7, 2023 - You know the routine: What did you have?

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Dec 6, 2009
Mid-Atlantic, USA
Beef street tacos and Mexican street corn! Homemade cherry with chocolate chip ice cream for dessert.

Had supper upstairs, Chicken Tornados, roasted Broccoli and Potatoes. Lemon Cream Cake which was very yummy for store bought. (but too many candles, :mad:)
Everything was delicious - and I didn't have to cook! LOL
Does that mean it was your birthday yesterday?
Thank you, it was. Had 6 fresh scones from my bro. He picked them up on his way home after driving his granddaughter into work for 6am. They were still warm. Have no idea what time that bakery starts their mornings but I'm glad I don't work there! LOL.
Cinnamon, Cranberry'n Raisin, Pumpkin. Huge, a meal in itself (along with half a pound of butter maybe?):pig:
Thank you, it was. Had 6 fresh scones from my bro. He picked them up on his way home after driving his granddaughter into work for 6am. They were still warm. Have no idea what time that bakery starts their mornings but I'm glad I don't work there! LOL.
Cinnamon, Cranberry'n Raisin, Pumpkin. Huge, a meal in itself (along with half a pound of butter maybe?):pig:
Don't most bakeries start around 02h00 or 03h00? That would be the employees who do the baking, not the employees working the cash register.
Yes, of course. This is a franchise bakery - very popular here, their breads are terrific. I believe my granddaughter said she had to start around 5 or 5:30 am. But she was not a baker, just a clerk.

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