What did you eat Tuesday, December 12, 2023?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Shallow fried thin-cut chicken breast, succotash (cream corn, lima beans, butter, and sugar), and Knorr's Parmesan noodle side for dinner last night.

I made a kit meal, Ropa Vieja: Cuban Braised Beef with Peppers and Olives. DH loved it and said, "You can make this anytime!" I'll be on the lookout for a recipe, as the kit came with pre-cooked shredded beef. It was very tasty!

My uncle was Cuban and a great chef. Sure do miss him. Wish I had some of his recipes!
I made that Chicken, Onions & Mushrooms in Marsala Sauce. I was shocked to find I had no mushrooms! Out came a can of sliced mushrooms to the rescue. Worked just fine! Matter of fact it was so fine I had the other half for breakfast this morning, cold straight from the fridge. Win-win Hot and a Win-win Cold. Couldn't lose.
I pretty much/sort of/almost followed a "Seasons & Supper" recipe.
Classic Chicken Marsala
Last week I froze, thawed, sliced a slab of tofu, dipped in a plain flour batter, then in crumbs, baked on both sides for 20 minutes each at 350 deg F. I froze packages of it to use whenever. We're been slicing or chopping these and adding them to a few dishes. We had ww spaghetti with tomato mushroom sauce, chopped breaded tofu, and nutritional yeast. MMMM it was good and filling.
I made a kit meal, Ropa Vieja: Cuban Braised Beef with Peppers and Olives. DH loved it and said, "You can make this anytime!" I'll be on the lookout for a recipe, as the kit came with pre-cooked shredded beef. It was very tasty!

My uncle was Cuban and a great chef. Sure do miss him. Wish I had some of his recipes!
I know what you mean. Being down here in Fl., we are lucky to have their foods all around us.
I made a kit meal, Ropa Vieja: Cuban Braised Beef with Peppers and Olives. DH loved it and said, "You can make this anytime!" I'll be on the lookout for a recipe, as the kit came with pre-cooked shredded beef. It was very tasty!

My uncle was Cuban and a great chef. Sure do miss him. Wish I had some of his recipes!

Post 7. I've been thinking about making this because it's been a long time since we made it. It is great leftover.
We had a produce box delivery yesterday, so we had store bought beef and barley soup. It came in a jar, not in a can. It was pretty good. I'll get it again for emergencies.
Pork tenderloin. Trimmed away the silver; patted them dry with paper towels; seasoned generously with kosher salt, pepper, garlic powder and chopped dried rosemary. Seared on all sides in a mixture of bacon fat and canola oil. Placed in foil folded into pouches, topped with lots of butter, and baked at 400 F for 20 minutes. After they come out of the oven I put them on a big platter and poured the liquid out of the foil; this is basically like a pan sauce. Served with mashed potatoes.

Very fast, very easy and at only $1.99 a pound for the pork, pretty inexpensive.
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