What did you eat Tuesday, July 25, 2023?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
I had half a cantaloupe and a piece of ham for breakfast.
Other half cantaloupe and tomato salad for lunch.

Glazed chicken and mushrooms, jasmine rice, and corn for dinner.

I only noticed when I took the already defrosted shrimp out to shell them that I had grabbed a bag of large 16/20's. Too big really for a stir fry but ... vegies already committed, ready to go. I refused to cut them up smaller! they were so beautiful.

So I had a Giant Shrimp Stir-Fry with Bok Choy, Mushrooms and Sprouts. Tasty.
I had a hot dog with potato chips, some diced peaches, and 3 raspberry-filled dark chocolate squares. My cousins had a cook-out and Ruritan's club meeting so they ate there. They did bring me home a sliver of the most delicious Lemon Pound cake that one o the members made, and I will have that after lunch today.
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