What did you eat Monday, December 25, 2023 (Christmas Day)?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Christmas breakfast was biscuits, bacon, and over easy eggs.



Christmas appetizers were green olive poppers, stuffed mushrooms, and two new apps. Brie and cranberry bites (were good, but the recipe/technique needs to be tweaked - puff pastry or pie pastry, and a smaller pan). Stuffed dates - we loved these. They got a little browner than intended.

Christmas dinner was eye-round roast, steamed baby spinach, Yorkshire pudding, mashed red potatoes, and burgundy pan gravy.
Unfortunately, I got up with a migraine Christmas morning. I did manage to get a bare bones dinner cooked since it has become easier to deal with cooking myself even when i don't feel good than to have Craig cook. So, we had the prime rib, mushroom bread pudding (he did pull the crusts off thick sliced bread and stick them in the oven to dry out after our coffecake baked) and country style green beans. Told him if it wasn't Christmas and everything was closed, we'd be getting delivery or leftovers, which is what we'll do today since the headache is being stubborn about going away totally.

We're going to have a cold snap for us, highs in the mid to high 60s (no snarky comments from you northern people :mrgreen: ) through New Year's, but pugs will get to have the bones and then a bath after, plus they got a few bites of prime rib last evening so that made their Christmas.
I hope your Christmas was Merry!
We had homemade veggie pizzas with this great cheeze like sauce based on potato/rice/cashews that baked up nice. Peppers, onions, tomato sauce with lots of spices, mushrooms, veggie sausage (homemade too), pineapple, on WW crust with corn flour on the top and bottom. WFPB parmesan cheeze-cashews, nutritional yeast, no-salt, onion and garlic powder.
Chocolate pie, with a soft oat/date paste crust, silken tofu/cocoa/sweetener/vanilla/peanut butter powder. Delicious and RICH.
I had plans to make supper, but I didn't feel great (not terrible, just meh) and very low energy. So, we ordered Lebanese food. We considered ordering Chinese, but there is more trying to find stuff that we both want. That's how tired we were. The Lebanese food was yummy and I really like that I can choose bulgur pilaf instead of white rice or potatoes.
Unfortunately, I got up with a migraine Christmas morning. I did manage to get a bare bones dinner cooked since it has become easier to deal with cooking myself even when i don't feel good than to have Craig cook. So, we had the prime rib, mushroom bread pudding (he did pull the crusts off thick sliced bread and stick them in the oven to dry out after our coffecake baked) and country style green beans. Told him if it wasn't Christmas and everything was closed, we'd be getting delivery or leftovers, which is what we'll do today since the headache is being stubborn about going away totally.

We're going to have a cold snap for us, highs in the mid to high 60s (no snarky comments from you northern people :mrgreen: ) through New Year's, but pugs will get to have the bones and then a bath after, plus they got a few bites of prime rib last evening so that made their Christmas.
You're a trooper! I used to get migraines when the kids were teens and living at home (haven't had one since, lol). I'd be in bed for at least a day and could never have pulled off what you did.
You're a trooper! I used to get migraines when the kids were teens and living at home (haven't had one since, lol). I'd be in bed for at least a day and could never have pulled off what you did.
It was all easy stuff. The mushroom bread pudding was the most work, which was mostly chopping onions, garlic and mushrooms, and i did that in stages. I went through a period in my early 30s when I'd have more days with cluster migraines than not. Had to learn how to push through. I also slept/napped a lot yesterday.
What are cluster migraines? I have never heard of cluster migraines. I have read about cluster headaches. I am familiar with migraines. Are you calling terrible headaches migraines?
We went to this https://www.parkheuvel.nl/ two Michelin star restaurant for Christmas.
It was amazing! All flavors were harmonious with the textures, the service was smooth and the atmosphere quiet and relaxing. Absolute perfection.
I also apparently did well with my compliment to our server, because he gifted me a year's worth of Cheflix (a European netflix alternative for cooks and chefs) so that added another treasure to the occasion.
My husband and I agreed we'll have to do this more often in the future!
This was the menu:

Pics and descriptions + amuse bouches & friandises in the next post.
Our first amuse bouche:

A tuile of blackened leeks filled with foie gras and topped with white wine jelly. A cheese cracker with Rotterdam cheese cream and watercress. A crocantine of onion with curry cream and fried shallots.
I really loved the foie gras tuile, it was so delicate and refined.

Then we had ice cream made of cauliflower curry served with fennel & lime pesto and puffed rice. A really unique experience, savory ice cream! It was delicious too.

This dish was the highlight of the night for me. The scallops, caviar and other flavors just sung to me. Turns out this is the chef's signature dish, and I can see why! The whole dish is a symphony of flavor. The best scallop dish I ever ate.

The cuisson of the sea bass was beautiful, the sauce light, and the skin crispy. The fried scales were a unique touch giving it an even more refined beauty. I loved it.

The deer was of course perfectly soft and flavorful, and the beetroot and port sauce complimented it wonderfully. A nice little touch was the braised deer in one of the the beetroot side dishes. Perfection.


Then we had a cheese course served with cherry jelly, a sliced pear with balsamic glaze, and walnut and date bread.

As a final we had 'Haagse tiramisu' an interplay between Haagse hopjes (Dutch coffee candy) and tiramisu. It was a wonderful finish to a wonderful evening.

I will not forget this for the coming 20 years or longer, that's for sure!
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