Thursday, September 14, what's on your plate?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
We'll be having the last of the things we pulled from the freezer to take to hotel with us, Craig's BBQ slow smoked pulled pork. Don't know if we'll use tortillas or if he'll stop and get bread for sammies. Sides will be baked beans and corn.
I have a beef bottom round thawing. It will be roast beef, stew or pot roast. I'll decide later. Or if not completely thawed second choice is franks and beans.
In honor of Eat a Hoagie Day, I will have a mushroom cheesesteak hoagie with lettuce and mayonnaise and a nice cold Modelo Negra!

We're having dinner with our grand kids and their parents during an all Mozart concert at the Hollywood Bowl tonight. Most likely finger sandwiches, quiet snacks, wine, juices, and whatever will be packed in our picnic baskets.
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I'm grilling a couple of T-Bones for SO and me. I'll make some mashed potatoes and steam some broccoli to round out the meal.
*Tostadas are planned but...
A craving led me to a liverwurst/onion sandwich earlier so, that may end up as today's meal..

Dessert is undecided...

* Tostadas was underlined in red so I right clicked and found that it was supposed to be spelled "Dastards"... I love spellcheck.. :ROFLMAO:

Was supposed to be Cobb Salad but that will have to wait until tomorrow. It ended up being Italian sausages, potato and raw veggies for TB.

My stomach is not the greatest so I just had my smoothie from breakfast.
Ribs. For once Lloyd's ribs were on sale and I could get a package of those for what it would cost for regular ribs plus BBQ sauce.

I'm going to follow a recipe they used to print on their packages: wrap in foil with 3 tablespoons of water and heat for 90 minutes. Then I'll open the foil and broil for a couple minutes. Crispy and fall off the bone tender. More or less.
Simple and quick dinner tonight. Coarse ground bologna, veggie tots, and salad from the garden. The dressing is greek yogurt based with fresh dill.

By the way, I love these veggie tots. The package says to bake them, but they are MUCH better when fried, in my opinion. They're like a crispy shell with a light and fluffy interior. Super tasty!

Mrs. T is out with the girls tonight for pizza, so it's just me. I picked up some mandarin orange chicken from Trader Joes today. Tasty, but really high in sodium and sugar. OK once in a while, but not in my regular dinner rotation.
*Tostadas are planned but...
A craving led me to a liverwurst/onion sandwich earlier so, that may end up as today's meal..

You will probably be tasting it all night in burps. :LOL:

I'm grazing again today, mostly on leftovers and fruit. That happens a lot when you cook for one. I need to clear out the leftovers so I can cook fresh this weekend -- and eat the leftovers next week. It's a vicious cycle. :rolleyes:

Wonderful sounding dinners!'re killin' me here, that looks amazing.

Ross...I knew there was something I was missing from my shopping list...liverwurst! I keep forgetting, and just added it to my list. Love that stuff. :yum: "Dastards" autocorrect cracked me up. It seems I correct autocorrect more than it corrects me. :LOL:
I took my car in to my mechanic yesterday for an oil change, tire rotation, fluid level check, etc., and gave him the egg cartons I had been saving for him. He sent me home with 3 dozen fresh eggs from his girls. :chicken: :yum: So this afternoon's dinner was a 3 egg omelet with chopped asparagus, red bells and onions, and cantaloupe from the local farm stand. I'm stuffed.
Steve, isn't everything better fried rather than baked :LOL:

I wish I could hop from each of your homes and sample all of your meals!



I saw this on some forum or social media site, can't recall at this moment,
but I made Dorito Pie to share with my peeps next door for lunch.
I just had to have a piece to make sure it was edible, YUM!
IF I were to make this again, I would modify it slightly with more moisture,
a touch dry I thought, but tasty.

Dinner, yeah I forgot... Shoyu Chicken, steamed rice and cucumber kim chee
That looks great Ms M. It was HOT here today (and still in the 80s at 10:19 PM). I am so looking forward to stew weather.

ALMOST everything. I'm not sure croissants and cakes fall into that category, but veggie tots definitely do!
Thank you Steve.

I don't have to wait for cold weather to enjoy cold weather food. My Instant Pot makes it quick and easy without heating the house up. I can have stew in under an hour.
So how and you and Craig doing?

Everything is almost back to normal. We got our power back last evening. We were lucky to have a generator which we had bought back when Welma hit. I hadn't run the thing since Welma, but had run it out of fuel back then. It started up on the first pull, like it had just come out of the box!:) Karen had been on our community Facebook page and saw a post from someone on our street complaining about people running genera tors and how much of a shame it would be if something happened to one of them at 3:00 am. I wanted to reply along the lines about being a shame about someone, being mistaken as a looter, having to meet Mr. S&W, but she wouldn't let me.:( :LOL:

Thanks for asking!
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