Tomato tortilla sandwich

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Head Chef
Jan 16, 2016
Puget Sound, WA
Don't we have a "Recipes" thread stickied somewhere? I can't seem to find one and I think this might be the wrong place for a recipe.

Anyway, I've been eating these things I call Tasty Toasted Tomato Tortillas.

I take a large flour tortilla and lay it out flat on non-stick foil, covering it with half question cheese and half sharp cheddar. Then I bake it for 15 minutes at 350 degrees or until the tortilla is toasted and the cheese is melted.

While it's baking, I chop up a small tomato and dice some purple onions which I scatter on the tortilla when it comes out of the oven.

Then (carefully, because I put on a ton of tomatoes and onions) I fold it and then cut it in two. Enjoy warm. Delicious.

You have to get good tomatoes or it tastes bland. But you could use different cheeses and add salsa, guacamole, avocado, chicken, beef, pork, or even bacon if you wanted.
Nice to see ya!

I hope all is well in your corner of the world!

I do something similar on top of the stove.

Smear the pan with a little oil/grease/cooking spray, when the pan is hot add the tortilla and the toppings cover the pan, turn the heat down low and cook until the bottom is crispy and the toppings are warm and gooey. Think grilled cheese sandwich.

Try cracking a raw egg on the flour tortilla and smearing it around before adding the cheese and other toppings!
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