Tonight's full moon!

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Katie H

Site Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
There will be a full moon tonight. I always love looking at it and will do so tonight.

However, tonight's moon will appear larger than usual because, for this full moon, the moon is the closest to the earth in its orbit. I can't wait to go outside and enjoy the sight.
I did notice that the moon seemed larger than normal last night, thanks for that Katie. That might explain somewhat why they are evacuating people from the low lying islands north of us up around New Guinea. The king tides combined with a large ocean swell is swamping some of the islands.

The farmers will be happy though, their produce keeps growing in these moonlight nights.
I saw it driving home tonight too, very nice, bright! :shock: Mesmerizing..
Katie thank you for the reminder. Its too cold here for "porch time" but I'll go out and take a look anyway!

I used to call my sis and tell her to go look at the moon so we could "see" each other. Think its time to get the phone. :)
ugh, it's so completely overcast here in MD that there isn't a moon out at all. weather informs me that it will clear up later, hopefully i'll get a peek, too!
My son Kevin and i saw it last night..I thought it was out of the ordinary that we both came home from the Indian Casino with money...It was my birthday so I took us to the Buffet and then we each played $20.00 When he hit $40.00 he cashed out and put $20.00 in his pocket..I cashed out at $45.00 and we came home lol we played the nickle machine.
When I got up last night about 11:30, our back deck was very bright, so I knew the moon must be out.
What's the best time to look at it, Katie? I see what you see.
I don't really know, Connie. I just wander outside and look when the spirit moves me. I'm about to go outside right now to check on my outside kitties...Thelma, Tumble, Violet, Squeakers, and Miss Chiefy.

The first three always "escort" me on the porch. Actually, I think it's a ruse to get me to pet them.:LOL:
Just came in, Connie. It's beautiful. The sky is clear and there are lots of stars twinkling around it.

I even treated the outside kitties to a dish of warm milk in celebration. They slurped a nice "thank you."
15 years ago, the last time that the moon was this close, i was backpacking overnight.
i remember being able to walk around at night as if it were daytime.

sadly, it was mostly overcast here last night. :( good night, moon.
we had rain from lunch-time till lunch-time today, needless to say my cameras didn`t stand a chance :(

oh well, in 2023 my Daughter and unborn will be old enough to help me out (if the weather holds), so that`s something to look forwards too.

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