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Head Chef
Feb 26, 2006
With the death count of 27 after last nights storm(s), has anyone here been affected? I'm hoping all is well...
The tornadoes went through West Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee.
More than 44 ar confirmed dead right now. They are going door to door checking for survivors in all the states. We really dodged a bullet here. It all blew up west of us, so, it didn't have time to build before it got so bad. It was definately green though. It was horrible driving in quarter sized hail and winds strong enough to blow my car at a stand still. God bless everyone affected and everyone from those states, please check in as soon as you can.
DH and his mom are STILL in KY. They had some there too, just south of where they are staying. The car broke yesterday, that's all they would have needed on top of it!
DH and his mom are STILL in KY. They had some there too, just south of where they are staying. The car broke yesterday, that's all they would have needed on top of it!

Yes, I forgot about Kentucky, sorry. A lot of states were affected.
holy freakin crap. i did not know about this. then again i have not watched the news for over 7 months or so. Looks liek this weekend i will be doing a humanitarian project for those states. probably making hygiene kits and sending blankets.
I hope no one at DC was affected by this. They said on the weather this morning that tornados can't be ruled out here right now. The wind has been horrible off and on all day. A lot of people don't realize that South Carolina has actually gotten a lot of tornados, including a really bad one in the county just south of ours during the '80s. I think most of South Carolina's tornados are to the west of us.

I feel really bad for people. But one thing I can't understand why couldn't they hide, run in the basement or something. Also I do not understand this crapy housing, why can't people build houses like in Europe, from brick. House like that might loose roof, but not get destroid ...
Hey, Charlie. I wouldn't assume that everyone has a basement. And tornados come up so fast, there often isn't enough warning to get to a safe place. If you're out driving around or in a mall, for example, you may not hear about it until it's on top of you. We don't usually get tornados in Va., but I grew up in Mich., so I am familiar with them.

If you lose the roof, the wind can throw people and things in an out and people can be injured or killed that way, too.
thinking of you

We just woke up to headline news of your tornados. It must be soo frightening.

Hope all is ok and we are thinking of you, it is our cyclone season so we can sympathise with what you are going through.

All our love.
Kentucky checking in. Katie E and I are fine. Tennessee didn't fare so well. We got plenty of torrential rain but no destructive winds. Thanks for your concern.
Kentucky checking in. Katie E and I are fine. Tennessee didn't fare so well. We got plenty of torrential rain but no destructive winds. Thanks for your concern.
that's great!!!:)

Charlie, a lot of times, there isn't enough time. When the storms started here, the weather guy had just said an hour before, that all rain was gone. I left work early and went to get my oil changed, to the grocery store and then to Walmart. When I went in Walmart, it looked like just a gloomy day ending. You could even see clear skies to the west. Wow, when I came out, it was VERY GREEN and really nasty looking. I was caught in high wind, hail and it was VERY scary and if there had been a tornadoe, I wouldn't have seen it until it was too late. It was that blinding in the rain and wind.
I hurt for all those people too.
wait what... when did a tornado go through Iowa??
There were more than 60! tornadoes in Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas... that region. Just hideous!

I haven't heard yet from my friend who lives in Jackson, where the damage was pretty severe. I hope they are okay.
Thanks Buck for the update. My husband and his mother are in Paducah (Katie knows the story) this week and he said there were some close but he wasnt sure how close..... the storms were very loud tho.
I have a cousin in TN that lost his roof but he's ok.

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