trivia 2/25

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 2/25
It is still a hanging offense in Texas to steal cattle or to put graffiti on someone else's cow. It is also illegal to indecently expose or swear in front of a corpse in Texas.

1. What was the Nationality of the famous spy, Mata Hari ?
a. – Dutch
b. – Belgian
c. – Indian
d. – Norwegian
2. What was the name of the ship that transported Charles Darwin to the Galapagos Islands ?
3. Who Said That ?
"I have no problems with drugs - only policemen".
a. – Pablo Escovar
b. – Abbie Hoffman
c. – John Lennon
d. – Keith Richard
4. What plant was named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow?
5. We all know what Scampi is; but what sort of critter is a Scampo ?
6. In what classic novel would I find a character named Ben Gunn ?
7. Vermicelli pasta literally translates as what?
8. If a French or Spanish man reports an OVNI , what would an an English-speaking man report ?
Tabasco is a State in Mexico.

1. – a
2. HMS Beagle
3. – d
4. Iris
5. European Lobster
6. Treasure Island
7. Little Worms
8. a UFO
Tabasco is one of 13 Mexican states.
Tabasco was Founded in 1824 and is located in southeastern Mexico.
The Tabasco pepper is named after this area .

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