Trivia 7/16

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 7/16
Capsaicin, which makes hot peppers "hot" to the human mouth, is best neutralized by casein, the main protein found in milk.

1. If an animal is "Arboreal" what is it's habitat of choice ?
2. What was the nationality of Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List) ?
3. Roquefort is made from the milk of what animal ?
4. Who Am I ?
I participated in the "Rumble in the Jungle" in 1970, and was ordained in Texas in 1978.
5. Which actress connects Yentl (1983), For Pete's Sake (1974), and The Main Event (1979) ?
6. Who directed Michael Jackson's best selling albums ?
7. What was the name that B.B. King gave to his beloved guitar ?
8. Fill in the Blanks;
"Muselet" is the technical term for the ____ that holds a _______ ____ in place.
The Red Lobster "Lobsterita" cocktail is considered the worst restaurant cocktail from a dietary point of view.
1. In the trees
2. He was a German
3. Ewe's Milk
4. George Forman
5. Barbra Streisand
6. Quincey Jones
7. Lucille
8. Wire - Champagne Cork
Red Lobster Traditional Lobsterita
  • <LI class=textList>890 calories <LI class=textList>0 g fat
  • 183 g carbohydrates
Lobsterita means a lobster tank–size glass filled with booze and high-fructose corn syrup. You’d have to drink 4 regular on-the-rocks margaritas to outdo the massive calorie load. Pair that with a dinner and you might be pushing a full day’s calories in one meal. If you want to get drunk, take a shot. If you want to enjoy a cocktail, make sure it doesn’t start with a bottle of mix—your body and your taste buds will thank you.

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