Tuesday March 22nd. Dinner???

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
We're having some different leftovers. SO is going to finish off the pasta dish from yesterday and I'm going to have a quesadilla with leftover chicken from Sunday
I will be having porterhouse steak, from dinner last night, along with a baked potato and whatever vegetable I grab when I get in the freezer. :cool:
You tell us what we're having!;)



Looks like Paella? I'm envious.
One of my favorite dishes to make, and eat.

That was too easy! We have a place locally called Penn Dutch Meats with two locations. They have a pretty good seafood selection. Those nice heads on shrimp were $5.99 lb. I also got some local bay shrimp for $2.99 lb. They are mixed sizes with heads on. All heads went into my stock for the rice. Some of the large shrimp will go in the paella and the rest will be steamed with Old Bay. Some of the clams will go in the paella and I'll steam the rest in a white wine liquid with garlic. I'll freeze them in the liquid for clam sauce later.

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I hope you are going to post a pic of the finished product for us. I am landlocked in Eastern Ontario. We don't have much to speak of in terms of fresh fish selection. The city of Ottawa is over 100 miles away. Otherwise, I would eat it a lot more. Especially shell fish.
Interesting! I was considering grilling some wings on my charcoal BBQ. :mrgreen:

I'm going to BBQ some wings on my gas GRILL... :ermm:

What's the difference between these two statements? :LOL:

I'm roasting a 9lb chicken right now. We'll have that, stuffing, smashed taters and whatever cooked veggie I find to do in the fridge. Salad was GOING to be caesar, but I have to go register munchkin #2 for school so no garlic allowed. Waaaaa! Not sure what kind of salad I'll do.
Do you really want to go back there?!!! :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL: Ah, the memories! :mrgreen:

Oh I was so hoping you were still on and would see that post. I giggled to myself for quite some time after reading this thread. *smooch* Love you Big Sis! I don't want them to boot me off THIS site too though!
Oh I was so hoping you were still on and would see that post. I giggled to myself for quite some time after reading this thread. *smooch* Love you Big Sis! I don't want them to boot me off THIS site too though!
Love you too Lil Sis! And if they boot you off of this site, we will boot them back! LOL
I grilled some Cornish hens. Made some dirty rice and asparagus for the sides.


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