Two great Goodwill purchases this week!

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Katie H

Site Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
Had a great time at our local Goodwill this week.

I wasn't looking for anything in particular except for some baby clothes for an about to be grandson and happened upon two great items.

First I stumbled upon a beautiful pressed back oak chair that had a cane seat and hip huggers. It was in super shape. Didn't rack at all and the cane was in pristine shape. It was mine for $10.

Then I "grazed" through the housewares section and spied a Bella Pizza Maker. For $3 I thought it worth a risk.

Well, hello Dolly, I used it tonight and it was fantastic. Baked a frozen pizza perfectly without heating the kitchen up at all. Clean up was nothing more than a soapy cloth and a damp wipe.

And, yes, I did buy some adorable baby clothes.
I love the Goodwill.

Today I picked up an 13 inch Analon hard anodized paella pan for 15 bucks. No lid, but one will turn up eventually.

Your new chair sounds very cool.
Taxy, is there still a Goodwill up around your area someplace? Had a girlfriend who used to find great stuff there.

Katie, great shopping! Congrats!
Taxy, is there still a Goodwill up around your area someplace? Had a girlfriend who used to find great stuff there.

Katie, great shopping! Congrats!

I never found a Goodwill in my area. Do you mean the Sally Ann in the mall at Sources and Pierrefonds? I actually don't know if they are still there.
I never found a Goodwill in my area. Do you mean the Sally Ann in the mall at Sources and Pierrefonds? I actually don't know if they are still there.
That seems so foreign to me. They are everywhere in our area.

Out tiny town of under 10,000 has one, used to have two, one was a Salvation Army store.

A few miles north, there is a plethora of them.

I don't go as often a I used to, as one only has so much room for stuff. Also, my wife has requested I bring no more pots or pans home until I remodel the kitchen.

I don't understand.

Doesn't everyone need 6 or so 12 inch pans, a handful of 10 inch and 8 inch pans, 6 small pots of various sizes and materials, a half dozen other stainless pans, various large pots, a 13 inch paella pan, a pannini press and just some cool miscellaneous kitchenware? Let alone a couple dozen knives of various sizes and styles? :grin:

Oh, I forgot the woks and the dozen sets of vintage fondue forks.

I think we need a bigger kitchen.
There's a good sized GW in my town - maybe less than 2 miles away, but a huge one several towns over, about 10 miles away that is like the central warehouse for them, I guess where the trucks bring in the pickups from all over the area, then they separate it all out, and other trucks take it back out, to the local stores. No Sally Anns around here, but I've seen them traveling, and always wondered what they were.
Well,,, I stand corrected, it is not just a Canadian thing. I always thought it was. Started in England and is now world wide.

my bad, sorry Pepper.
Yep. Salvation Army here is always just junk. I don't think I've found much of anything there.

It is almost like they pull the good stuff and auction it off somewhere else.

I mean are the only bits of cookware people donate those cheapy tin pots and appliances with missing parts.

They literally look like a junk shop.

Goodwill on the other hand usually has some decent stuff. It goes in waves, but better stuff more consistantly.
We don't have nearly as many Goodwill stores here. I think that started in the US. Here in Quebec, they are called "Renaissance".

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