United States Senate Bean Soup

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Master Chef
Jan 25, 2005
Foat Wuth
Well since Larry posted his bean soup recipe thought I might as well give up one I had stashed away. This is supposedly whut the crooks..er I mean the pubic servants in the US Senate eats regularly. It was snagged from a post by a great pal o mine named Jack Chambles who hangs his hat in Hotlanta despite being raised in El Campo, TX. Can already see that way too much celery for my taste buds. I would change that to one or two small stalks maybe. Now whut is up with the mashed tates I aint got a clue. Thicken it up maybe.


Jack Chambles said all this>

Hey Gang, I prepared this bean recipe tonight and it is one of the
best I've ever had. Bet it would go great with Smoked Butt, but
don't know yet. Very simple and delicious!
I stold it from The Chef's World Wide Recipes -
Jack C.

For years people have been trying to obtain and invitation to eat in
the dining room in the United States Senate Office Building. One
specialty stood out above all the others. It was the

(This is a cut down version of the original.)

1 # Navy Beans
1 Ham Bone with some meat on it. (should be a Virginia ham)
1 C mashed Potatoes
3 Large Onions - chopped
2 Cloves Garlic - minced
1/4 C Parsley, chopped.
1 Small bunch Celery - chopped

Soak beans overnight in water to cover.
Drain beans and put in a soup pot with ham bone and 3 quarts water.
Simmer 2 hours.
Stir in mashed potatoes, onions, garlic, parsley and celery (including
Simmer another hour or until beans are done.

Remove the ham bone and cut the meat from the bone.
Discard bone and add meat to the soup.
Serve hot

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Wow can't believe I posted that recipe twice and was going for thrice till I stumbled over your post. Good news is I went back and deleted the redundancies. Sure glad your here to keep us straight. I think you need an immediate pay raise and promotion. Feel free to pass this post on down to the money man/decision maker type dude or dudette. Got mo good news is just picked up a fresh half gallon of Ezra last date. Hopefully it last till Monday. We are good churchy folks here in God's Country. Can't buy to go Whiskey on Sunday ya know? Now you can drink it at the watering hole all you want past Noon. Guess they figger church should be over by then.


Bruce B said:
Hey BW,

Thanks for posting this one AGAIN!


Might wanna slow down on the Ezra Boy :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Yep I cant hardly remember all the stores being closed on Sundays myself. Now there was an exemption for car lots. They closed on Sat and stayed open on Sunday cuz the law read the bizness must shut down one day a week but didn't specify whut day. Guess they musta been mainly owned by Jewish Folks cuz Saturday is Sunday to them. Yeppers that got to be it. The fella who can recall all this stuff got to be older than dirt.

I remember that here in AR folks couldn't open their stores on the day they celebrated their sabbath. Even then the few stores that were open on Sunday couldn't sell a lot of things due to the blue laws. Don't remember what all you could and couldn't sell on Sunday but do remember batteries were off limits :?
Yeah I remember they used to tape off certain sections of the grocery stores. You could shop anywhere on the near side of the tape. The Geegaw section was always marked off limits.

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