Vinegar for Deadly Sushi

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Washing Up
Aug 28, 2004
Eugene, Oregon
Here tis, the book is named The Vinegar Book authored by Emily Thacker, published by Tresco Publishers, and is available at for $12.95. There is a web site for her located at

This web site is maintained by the publisher and they sell the book for $24.95 but it gives an overview of the good of vinegar. Here are a few:

Stay healthy and alert wel into old age with 1 tsp each of vinegar and honey in a glass of water, take 3 times a day 1/2 hour before meals.

Salad dressing: 1/4 C each of vinegar and vegetable oil plus 1/8 C honey, mix well and serve over favorite greens.

Sore throat pain caused by a cold: mix 1/4 C each of apple cider vinegar and honey and take 1 Tbs every four hours. May be used as a gargle.

Drink a glass of water to which 1 tsp of vineger has been added to help moderate over robust appetite and eat less.

Itchy welts and hives, swellings and blemishes can be eased by the application of a paste made from vinegar and cornstarch. Pat on and feel the itch being drawn out as the paste dries.

Apple cidar vinegar contains carotenoids which produce vitami A, supplies a balanced does of vital amino acids, vitemins and minerals that both mind and body need for good health.

The above are quotes from the book. If you have any questions, please feel free as me here. If it is long perhaps PM is best.
Hey Norg...... I will actually try this! Probably not 3x a day..... maybe twice. I wonder how it tastes. I also wonder if the quality of honey matters. Hmmmmmmmm...... Thanks for the post buddy! :D
Hey Norg...... I will actually try this! Probably not 3x a day..... maybe twice. I wonder how it tastes. I also wonder if the quality of honey matters. Hmmmmmmmm...... Thanks for the post buddy! :D

Thanks DS. It does not taste too bad, especially when I use the apple cider vinegar. The honey would change things, I use Mesquite honey I get at Trader Joe's. The white or plain vinegar is a little hard to take. However, I keep a large jug on hand for use in the kitchen: wipe my wooden cutting board weekly, I mix equal parts of white vinegar and baking soda to clean my stainless steel sink; wipe the counters with plain vinegar, I add to laundry about 1/4 cup; add 1/2 cup to dish washing water (my everyday dishes are clear glass and they get scummy looking without the vinegar). There are other benefits in the book which I did not want to post because I am not a doctor and while the book says it has properties which would help avoid arthritis, cancer, cataracs, altzeimers, etc. If you get the book try they have it for 12.95. BOrders or other large book stores probably have it. Good luck DS, let me know.

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