Wednesday 8/9/2017 What's on the plate?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Well I'm still not sure about dinner. Maybe eggs or chili.
Playing cards with friends tonight.. We will meet @ In-N-Out burger to eat first, then try to destroy each other @ Canasta... Losers serve winners dessert...

Playing cards with friends tonight.. We will meet @ In-N-Out burger to eat first, then try to destroy each other @ Canasta... Losers serve winners dessert...


I miss playing cards (canasta and spades especially).
I made yogurt yesterday and left in the fridge to strain overnight. I ended up with nice thick Greek yogurt and 1.5 quarts whey to use for pancakes/waffles and in baking.
I also made 3 (1 cup) jars of lemon curd and 3 (1 cup) jars of strawberry compote.
Not sure what dinner will be but I am leaning toward waffles topped with Greek yogurt, lemon curd and strawberry compote.


I did pappardelle with butter, parmesan, sage and black pepper. Simple to do, especially when you're tired!

di reston

Enough is never as good as a feast Oscar Wilde
Orecchiette with roasted fennel, hot and mild Italian sausage, onion, garlic and dried tomatos. A little white wine and Parm. R. too


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    2017-08-09 17.19.00.jpg
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Change of plans. Family wants Chinese takeout. Roast pork and Chinese veggies for hub and I.

I will have yogurt for dessert.
I made yogurt yesterday and left in the fridge to strain overnight. I ended up with nice thick Greek yogurt and 1.5 quarts whey to use for pancakes/waffles and in baking.
I also made 3 (1 cup) jars of lemon curd and 3 (1 cup) jars of strawberry compote.
Not sure what dinner will be but I am leaning toward waffles topped with Greek yogurt, lemon curd and strawberry compote.



That looks great Msmofet. Would you please share your recipe for yogurt.
with us.

Leftovers, and left Himself in charge of a half-dozen ears of corn I bought right before I ran away from home. Temporarily. I timed my return just right...he had finished prepping the corn and was looking for the big-enough pot to cook it in.

I had two of those ears, plus one of the leftover stuffed peppers. And...when I shop there is this clamshell of bakery department brownies that keep trying to crawl in to my cart. Most times I can get them to go back on the shelf and stay there. Today, the brownies won. So I had one. :yum: Trust me, I burned enough calories off shopping to earn one. :LOL:
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