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Well today I am getting some housework done. Yesterday I laid around in my pajamas all day with a hangover, LOL. Hubby and I went out Friday night to a club in an eclectic part of town to see our son-in-law's band (heavy metalish alt rock). They do all original music. There were four bands (other bands did cover music but it was good). It was a lot of fun. We were definitely on the older end of the age scale in the audience, LOL, but no one seemed to care. We still managed to be home by 1:30 and in bed by 2. We used to go out a lot when we were younger and after the pandemic began we got stuck in this homebody rut. I think it's time to break out of that and start going out a couple times a month to see live music, though probably not heavy metal because my (our) ears just can't handle it and we do like a variety of music, mostly blues and classic rock. What's funny is we had found a table up near the front to see SIL's band and our daughter said, "I am going to go stand in the back to watch, it's too loud up here." She's got far much more sense than we did at that age :ROFLMAO:
Browsing Craigslist and looking for work.

Seems like I am always looking for a job.
We spent the day vegging after sleeping in very late. Loverly and her hubby (I need to come up with a nickname for him) left on their delayed honeymoon today. Himself offered to drive them to the airport so they didn't have to pay to park. They left for the airport at 6:15 AM, at which time I showered and went to bed. Their return flight is a little better arrival time - 10 PM. Or as we like to say, supper time! 😅
We spent the day vegging after sleeping in very late. Loverly and her hubby (I need to come up with a nickname for him) left on their delayed honeymoon today. Himself offered to drive them to the airport so they didn't have to pay to park. They left for the airport at 6:15 AM, at which time I showered and went to bed. Their return flight is a little better arrival time - 10 PM. Or as we like to say, supper time! 😅

Given your track record on nicknames (Loverly and Goober), he might not want a nickname. ;)

Hey, I wasn't the one who came up with those names! I don't remember what prompted our daughter to blurt out "you're such a goober!" to her brother at the supper table one night, but it stuck.

As far as "Loverly", that's the result of a typo error our daughter made while creating the birth certificate for the Build-a-Bear she got one year. We started calling her that to get her attention.

As to our son in law, he is such a good guy and absolutely adores our daughter. Nicknaming him "god" is a little over the top. 🤭 I need to think about this for a while.
Up early, as usual!

It’s bitter cold and snowing!

I’m using what little energy I have to make a loaf pan sized batch of baked macaroni with mushrooms and cheese.

My older sister laughs at me because I do most of my cooking and cleaning in the middle of the night but that’s when I seem to have a little extra energy. 🥄🥄🥄😉🤭
Bored. Sitting here waiting for the appliance repairman to return with the part to fix the oven. While I am very grateful that he is going to complete the job in "one visit," so to speak, everything I can think of to do involves something in the kitchen. Sigh.


Cadie is bored too...
LOL...he's not here right now. The dogs are in our bedroom when there are strangers working. Otherwise, they figure that the visitors are there to see them and make a pest of themselves!

That afghan is one of my favorite patterns.
Up early, as usual!

It’s bitter cold and snowing!

I’m using what little energy I have to make a loaf pan sized batch of baked macaroni with mushrooms and cheese.

My older sister laughs at me because I do most of my cooking and cleaning in the middle of the night but that’s when I seem to have a little extra energy. 🥄🥄🥄😉🤭
Hey Aunt Bea,
I too sometimes cook in the middle of the the night. I wake up every morning at 2:00 am for some reason. If I can't go back to sleep I go into the kitchen and do a few chores. Empty the dishwasher or some minor prep work for the day's supper. It is the only time when the house, my German Shepard and the cats are all quiet at the same time. LOL
Pourig a large glass of wine having just gotten off the phone with 2 different tech support guys. From 3:23 to 5:50. Just trying to sync my tablet and laptop with my books and be able to read them without the internet! Last week it was 3 hours and 2 tech support guys, trying to re-install my printer which for some reason went off line even as I was looking at it! Problems I end up with have all taken a minimum of 2 tech guys, one junior and then their immediate boss. I'm so lucky!

First time I ever took the insurance for the 'puter and am certainly glad I did. Been nothing but an ongoing problem. They sure are not making any money off of me!
I got up late (due to being up very late chatting on a certain food forum... ahem). Going for a walk in the non-stop rain shortly, to the local shop for a newspaper. Dinner later will be a "Sticky Sesame Beef and Spring Onion Stir-Fry" - recipe is from my April Sainsburys magazine.
About do my weekly produce shopping, then later on, will go two an Indian market to pick up a few things, A donation store to drop off a bunch of things (we're doing some spring cleaning in the house, so I prefer to donate than throw out) and ultimately for lunch going to a vegan pop up food truck thingy.
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