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I have removed the wheel, bit hard when it needs a specialty screw driver that I dont have, nor new existed. But yeah my new sock is chewed up and I loved the toucan on it.

And I remove some beads too. I dont understand how is got ripped from my foot and so well stuck, unless the chair was hungry.

Are you talking about an allen wrench or a "star" type screwdriver?

RIP, cute toucan sock. Wonder what your hungry chair will eat next.
Well it a weird square hole with a smaller square in the bottom. I have most screwdrivers, I never seen one of these. Oh well that is what I get for taking a German 1990 computer chair from my neighbor. I use tweezers and brute force and got the screw to turn.

Yeah I liked the toucan sock, yes I am 40 and my feet are big and wide but sometimes I would want to have something else then tube socks and I was really happy when I found these at market stall.
Well, boogers. I have the exact screwdriver bit you're describing. Of course, it may have taken awhile to send it to Sweden, and it still couldn't have saved your cute sock. Very innovative to use a tweezers as a screwdriver though.
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I am wombat, hear me ROAR! ;)
or something.

Well we have most of them even som square but this one was odd. We have and I am not kidding 100 different screwdrivers. Yes my dear husband do fine electronics as hobby. He likes to screw things... mostly things.. not humans.
Well it a weird square hole with a smaller square in the bottom. I have most screwdrivers, I never seen one of these. Oh well that is what I get for taking a German 1990 computer chair from my neighbor. I use tweezers and brute force and got the screw to turn.

Yeah I liked the toucan sock, yes I am 40 and my feet are big and wide but sometimes I would want to have something else then tube socks and I was really happy when I found these at market stall.
Do you think it might want this bit? That's for Robertson screws. Here's a pic of a Phillips screwdriver tip:


If so, then a Phillips screwdriver will often work, but not as well as a Robertson.

I'm Done

Missed seeing Mr. Munky yesterday. Getting the finishing touches done took me all day. Tomorrow everything will be here and installed by the time he gets home on Thursday.Oh, and don't play around with those step tape rolls.
That tape really does stick.Especially to me.:ermm:
The guys filled in for me.

Found his shower chair it's this one.Plus we bought a suction cup mat that goes underneath it.https://www.amazon.com/MedMobile®-A...UTF8&qid=1476206940&sr=8-1&keywords=MedMobile

This shower head. Talk about coming home to style!
He deserves it.

And special non slip material. That will help me for his hospital bed table. But also for his P/T after he comes home.Dycem Non-Slip Material, Roll, 8" X 6-1/2 Foot, Forest Green - 50-1501g - Adl - Mansion Athletics

I think were all set..I've managed to recruit, organize,and pull off all the magic I could find. How did I do?

Poor Sophie might not like her new playpen.She's probably going to think she's in trouble.We'll make a game of it.Put our G/R in it with her and her lil bed and blanket, toys. She will get that it's only when Dad is walking around.Short visits to the pen at first.Until she gets the idea to stay away from his cane while he's up and around.

Munky Badger.
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I'm getting ready to make our main meal (we eat at 1pm before TB goes to work) and TB's sandwiches for later.

Then I am heading off to Costco by myself. My "daughter" or TB usually go with me but he is at work and I am unfortunately estranged from her again and I think this time will have to be permanent. Sad story but I need to only have positive influences in my life right now.

After Costco and a rest, I am going to tackle another area on the house to get it into shape for selling. I think it is going to be the pantry so I can set the small appliances in there when we aren't using them.

Plus I still have to write a blog post for today.

Busy times!
My friend has a cone on her blind dog, sort of early warning system so it doesn hit its face, the dog has figured out how to use it as guide, sadly the hall way wall paper has line now where the dogs cone is scraping against the wall.

Munky, Mr Munky will be pleased of your effort.
Having a hard time with the impending demise of Charlie (see Pet Thread). He's such a sweetie, we'll miss him, but it's time.

Went out and clipped off some cuttings from my Fishnet Stockings coleus (they really look like fishnet stockings!) and my Magilla Perilla. NoDak friends actually had snow today (yikes!) and there's a possible frost later this week here along the river.
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Munky Honey...you've done a fantastic job. {{{hugs}}}

You are going to love the Dycem, I have a chunk of it under my alarm clock so it doesn't sneak away while I'm blindly searching for the snooze button.
Having a hard time with the impending demise of Charlie (see Pet Thread). He's such a sweetie, we'll miss him, but it's time.

Went out and clipped off some cuttings from my Fishnet Stockings coleus (they really look like fishnet stockings!) and my Magilla Perilla. NoDak friends actually had snow today (yikes!) and there's a possible frost later this week here along the river.

We had a hard frost last week that wiped out my flower gardens. Have to start cleaning them up tomorrow.
We had a hard frost last week that wiped out my flower gardens. Have to start cleaning them up tomorrow.

There's supposed to be frost here later this week too.

My beans are still producing! They look like heck, but still keep squeezing out beans.
I'm playing with my new smartphone :mrgreen: It was delivered this afternoon, took it to Verizon and got it activated, and spent much of the afternoon and evening reinstalling my apps and data.

I feel so free! No more being restricted to a measly 8 mb of space! I was getting tired of constantly deleting stuff.
And I graduated as a Master Food Volunteer today! It was a really fun class. DH gave me this beautiful graduation gift, signed by the author :wub:


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I didn't do anything I wanted to get done today. I just am tired of being tired and in pain. I know some of you think that I just come here to complain about my health but it's not true. The truth is I don't come here very much anymore because I DON'T want to seem like I am always sick.

But I miss all my friends. So sometimes I come and just read what is going on in your lives and other times like today I post.

The truth is, I have about 15 chronic illnesses - mostly physical but I also suffer from bipolar and depression. The high parts of the bipolar are pretty well managed; however, like right now, I can still go into depression.

In the last while I have been diagnosed with liver and kidney issues which have come from a botched gallbladder surgery and all the medications I have been on through the years.

Besides my osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia taking away my ability to do cakes and cater, now these other conditions are limiting the food I can eat - another reason for avoiding a foodie group.

I hope no one is offended by my venting. I just needed to be real and thought it was time I was completely open and honest.

If this needs to be deleted I will understand and probably quietly stay away. But I like to think I have a few friends still here.

LPBeier: I have fibromyalgia and it hellish, I most likely have had form childhood and I am also limited to what I can eat due to other issues. I am so tired and worn out at the moment, it is silly. The only thing I dont have is a depression, which amazes the doctor because with chronic pain, that most often come with age.

I am mostly tired because I have not disability check, I have go to rehab and be taught how to work with my disability, which is insane since even the expert say I cannot.

I come here, because at least here I have the energy to be among friends, real life I am always to tired.
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