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ChefMunky: I saw this and thought of you


:ROFLMAO: I loved this!!

Still trying to figure out how to reset my stupid wristwatch. &$*#!! Bad word bad word!! Too many buttons to push. I know I have the 952 page manual for it somewhere...

Daggnabitt, then I have to tackle the clock in my car. %#*&$!! More bad word bad word. Stupid daylight savings time.
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Wristwatch? :huh: I'm older than you and even I have done away with mine! :LOL: If I'm out and can't find a clock, I just look at my cell phone screen. Bonus: it resets itself automatically!


I'm waiting on Himself so that we can head over to Sanibel Island. I swear I've spent half of our married life "waiting for Himself". At least he shows up, unlike Guffman. Time to poke my bear...
I feel nekkid without mine, and when we go snorkeling, I can't take my iPhone. Well, I suppose I could, but it's not waterproof. I've always worn a wristwatch.

Hope you find Himself soon. DH is also fashionably late most of the time even though he's low-maintenance. I misplace him all the time.
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My husband bought me a smart watch that (literally) talks to my phone so that if I lose one I can find it with the other. I took a call from a friend while I was reaching into the fridge one day - had a good laugh on that one.

Oh, and yes, I have lost them both at the same time. :wacko:
I just got my "old" food chopper out to make some minced ham for sandwiches and as usual the cutter was all rusted from sitting in the box. Is there anything I can do to prevent the cutters from doing this?
I just got my "old" food chopper out to make some minced ham for sandwiches and as usual the cutter was all rusted from sitting in the box. Is there anything I can do to prevent the cutters from doing this?

After cleaning them, wipe a thin coating of oil on the blades. Mineral oil is best but you could probably be OK with cooking oil.
Hear you Addie! I get sick about once every 4 or 5 years - looks like this is the year!

still have traces of pneumonia in my lungs - may even have done some damage. One of those things only time will tell. But to boot... seems there is an on going sinus infection as well. Which is not helping the surgery on my gums... so this time it is back to anti-biotics! Maybe that will be the magic pill for this triple whammy!
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Another day in the tractor and I voted today. FB_IMG_1478655759176.jpg
Other than catching up on some blogging stuff, checking the election stuff (can only take a couple of minutes at a time - you would think it was MY country voting) and trying to get the house ready for a showing this weekend, I'm not doing much of anything! ;)
Roasting a pan full of chopped up turkey bones, drumsticks and wings in preparation for making turkey stock.
Going for gas - regular and diesel - paddocks still need mowing before the snow.
Prescriptions to fill - could probably say the pneumonia is gone but now complicating everything is a secondary sinus infection... oh joy...

then back to the kitchen to make more something with leeks and mushrooms. Even have the makings for a lasagna, hopefully I will be able to freeze it too.
I'm in the process of doing my second most hated thing to do. Buying a car. Why second you might ask. I hate driving even more.

Sent from my iPhone using Discuss Cooking
I'm in the process of doing my second most hated thing to do. Buying a car. Why second you might ask. I hate driving even more.

Sent from my iPhone using Discuss Cooking

Charlie, it doesn't sound like you have been having a fun time lately. I know you don't celebrate it, but Christmas is coming. The time for good cheer and happiness. Hang in there. We all are rooting and pulling for you.
At the moment I'm looking around the house for a shoe horn. I know I have one somewhere.

I really need it to be able to get those new HUGE pills down my throat.

Either that or one of those tubes they use to force-feed geese to encourage 'pate'.
At the moment I'm looking around the house for a shoe horn. I know I have one somewhere.

I really need it to be able to get those new HUGE pills down my throat.

Either that or one of those tubes they use to force-feed geese to encourage 'pate'.

A while back Princess Fiona taught us a trick that they teach to patients who have had a stroke. It has been a lifesaver for me. I take two rather large capsules three times a day. I am able to take both of them at the same time along with other pills.

Put one pill in your mouth, tuck your chin down on your chest, take a large sip if liquid, hold it in your mouth with the pills for a two or three seconds and swallow. My pills go done all together. So one should go down for you.

If these pills are capsules, the little air pocket forces the capsule to float to the top and it goes down straight. Capsule or not, they still go straight and to the top near your throat.
Why thank you Addie. I was really just joking. So far I have not had a problem swallowing pills... but believe me, should the day come I will certainly remember this! Thanks! (and to the Princess too, certainly a Princess of the people!).

(that's called a suck-up princess, :LOL:)
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