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Bunch of girl friends of my daughter came for her birthday, 13, so just finished making bunch of individual pizzas...
I hope you've recovered by now, SuperDad! Also hope your daughter comes home from school bragging about how much her friends enjoyed your efforts.

CG you have just sent off a gazillion warning bells in my head...Carbon monoxide fumes have killed more than one family.
Turn the alarm bells off, dragn. In case you didn't think of it, you first have to generate CO before it can leak into a house. We never leave the car running in the garage (duh! :rolleyes: ), back it out if we feel the need to heat it because it's so cold outside (for our benefit, not the engine's :LOL: ), always let the air clear before putting the door down when we drive in, never back in except for the two times a year we're packing the car for vacation. ~ The real problem was I had forgotten how potent those little moth balls can be. :ohmy: Opened the box, spread about 2/3 of them throughout our garage, then put the box with the remaining ones under the steps/platform configuration going into our house. *gasp*


Just about ready to head to the grocery store - after I stop at our insurance company's claims garage. Our first day in FL, some inattentive driver (read: jerk) backed into the car while Himself was waiting to park the car after filling up with gas. Poor Sally needs a bit of a nose job. :(

Going rogue with Thanksgiving dinner, too. I haven't cooked a turkey for so long I'm seriously worried about the timing. SIL once made breaded pork chops when she hosted it one year ("we had a taste for turkey, so I made that last week"), so she'll just have to deal with ham since I'm cooking dinner less than a week after getting home from vacation. Not sure if she and her hubby have returned from THEIR trip to FL, though! At least I'll be making a turkey for the two of us next week - and I plan on dropping off enough "meal" to them for their dinner. WE never got turkey that one year. :glare:
OK CG, I was hoping you would say that but I couldn't help myself. the fact the fumes from the mothballs seeped into the house... well, you understand.

BTW - did you know mothballs are an excellent deterrent for skunks and others from nesting under your front stoop or back porch... :D
I am trying to get rid of another migraine. I have pretty well had migraines and headaches for 2 weeks now. We thought it was a new detergent that was for senisitive skin but has a scent that washed into the clothes. I got a fully "clean" one from the organic store and rewashed everything from towels to bedding to clothes. Can't smell anything but am back with a headache. I have checked for all my triggers but nothing is coming to mind.

I have a full day tomorrow with a friend coming over to cook with me in the morning. We both have to cook for a lot of allergies and intolerances so we thought we would share recipes and have some fun. Then in the evening another friend is picking me up so we can deliver one of our creations to a recent bride we know. We both love to crochet so we decided to make afghans for young people we have known from church. This is our third. We do the pieces separately, get together to arrange them, then she puts it together and I do a border. They seem to be hits and we just love doing them!

So, I am trying to lay low to get rid of this silly head problem and hopefully will get a good sleep. Guess a good step to both of those is to get off the computer! :wacko:
I am trying to get rid of another migraine. I have pretty well had migraines and headaches for 2 weeks now. We thought it was a new detergent that was for senisitive skin but has a scent that washed into the clothes. I got a fully "clean" one from the organic store and rewashed everything from towels to bedding to clothes. Can't smell anything but am back with a headache. I have checked for all my triggers but nothing is coming to mind.

I have a full day tomorrow with a friend coming over to cook with me in the morning. We both have to cook for a lot of allergies and intolerances so we thought we would share recipes and have some fun. Then in the evening another friend is picking me up so we can deliver one of our creations to a recent bride we know. We both love to crochet so we decided to make afghans for young people we have known from church. This is our third. We do the pieces separately, get together to arrange them, then she puts it together and I do a border. They seem to be hits and we just love doing them!

So, I am trying to lay low to get rid of this silly head problem and hopefully will get a good sleep. Guess a good step to both of those is to get off the computer! :wacko:
(((Gentle hugs)))

I'm pretty sure the aftermath of the US election is what gave me two migraines in one week. One of them had aura at noon and again at 20h and the headache got worse too.
LP I think we are in the same boat tonight. Headache (baby migraine growing) and LOTS of joint pain (welcome winter!!) are keeping me awake tonight. Plus my sciatic is acting up.

Plus other worries on my mind.

I am contemplating going in the kitchen and doing some more turkey day prepping.
Awe, Taxy, auras are the worst. I hope you don't get any more.

Ms M, yes, all my muscles are aching as well and that always triggers my sciatica. You and I do have a lot of the same issues. Sending healing hugs and prayers to you. (My stressors are getting less and I am hoping yours do too.

TB just came home with a headache as well - what's happening? Is this a weird type of flu that causes horrible headaches? :ermm:;)
Well, it's o'dark thirty and we're on our way home. The sun is just starting to rise in the east.


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Currently making salt and pepper's cast iron dinner rolls for Thursday. Later on I'll be making grandson's favorite chocolate cake as we are celebrating his 10th birthday Thursday. If I have enough energy, I'll cut up and toast the stuffing bread in preparation for making the stuffing.
Currently making salt and pepper's cast iron dinner rolls for Thursday. Later on I'll be making grandson's favorite chocolate cake as we are celebrating his 10th birthday Thursday. If I have enough energy, I'll cut up and toast the stuffing bread in preparation for making the stuffing.

I had to read this post twice.

Why would Andy want to make dinner rolls that are as hard as cast iron? Hmmm.... Did I read that right? Okay, I got it now.
Thinking the Keurig needs to go.

I'm going to take it apart from the bottom this time and see what's going on. It still doesn't want to brew a cup of coffee. It starts to then stops.
We have to lift the lid and try again. The 3rd time does the trick.
My bread dough is on it second rise. Then when it bakes and cools, I will make the stuffing. Right now the apple pie is in the oven. I also have to put the topping on the cheesecake.


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That's a little...nutty. We're on only our fourth refrigerator since we built our first house in 1977. However, we've gone through four coffee makers since we moved to this one in 2000! Not a fan of Keurig, either.

At least that fridge isn't as creepy as the one that will order basic groceries for you when you're running low. :ohmy: Between that, thermostat systems like Nest, and good ol' Alexa, we're doomed to be trapped in a house like the one in the Ray Bradbury short story, There Will Come Soft Rains. Read that story nearly 40 years ago, and I've been freaked out ever since. I don't want a house smarter than I am!
Nothing - FINALLY! After getting home in the wee hours on Friday, I've done nothing but laundry and clean. Friday saw four rounds through the washer and dryer, along with a fifth today.

When we got home, Himself saw a little mouse skitter along the foundation ledge in the garage. I missed the mouse...but found plenty of his "rice" as evidence. :glare: Pulled out a box of moth balls I bought after the last mouse event (danged furball made a nest in my van's heater fan - cost a couple hundred of dollars to undo that...), scattered them around the sill and under the cars, and went to bed. Nearly asphyxiated us, since the smell leaked into the house. (I told Himself we need new weatherstripping on the door to the garage. :LOL: )

Thankfully, it was in the mid-50s on Saturday, so we moved the cars out and I moved everything, sweeping the foundation ledge and the mudsill all around the place, moved everything away from the walls, and made sure there were no mousy souvenirs. Plus, it will be easy to spot if the mouse is still around. After picking up all the mothballs and putting them into an old yogurt carton, I have just a couple at the corners of the garage that might be entry points for any small critter. No smell in the house, but I hope it's enough to deter woodland critters.

Just import some snakes from Dawg, they will take care of the mice.

LOL! Mom has a fat mouse in her kitchen, but the cat won't go in there to get it. She's not allowed in the kitchen. LOL!!!!

Django is a good mouser...
Thinking the Keurig needs to go.

I'm going to take it apart from the bottom this time and see what's going on. It still doesn't want to brew a cup of coffee. It starts to then stops.
We have to lift the lid and try again. The 3rd time does the trick.

Sorry I didn't see this yesterday...run some vinegar through, then rinse well with clear water.
My wife tried that with her old Keurig, the vinegar thing, and ended up having to throw it out as all of the coffee it made afterwards tasted badly from the vinegar.

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