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There is a lot of coughing going around. I have several patients who just have the cough, but nothing else, like fever, it's a dry, nagging cough.

Any idea what is causing it?

Pirate and I were talking about my funeral. Now his favorite movie is The Wizard of Oz. He knows the whole thing, every single word, every single song, by heart. I am so sick of that movie and he knows it. I have a second kid with a strange sense of humor. We were watching a movie and their was a scene with the coffin. Very soft music was playing in the background. I mentioned to him I wanted the hymn In The Garden played at my wake.

"Oh no. I am going to make sure they play Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead". He also suggested that he would have the flying monkeys sing it. One Pirate is now up for adoption. Papers all signed. Any takers?
Farmers need the rain. Hopefully this summer will be the end of the drought for all of them.

I have a few dishes in the sink that are calling me. Then I have to do laundry. Darks today. Yesterday it was whites. My apartment has been pretty clean all week. Very unusual. There is always the day when we both say, "it will be there tomorrow." Then tomorrow comes and we both regret it. How can two people make such a mess?
It can rain after planting. Lol I'm not behind yet but won't be long.
I'm sitting in the back yard hanging with the dog. First really nice day in a long time.


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I am contemplating hitting my head against the wall. I worked on the little dollhouse this afternoon. Got the living room wallpapered and carpeted. Then I decided to fit the staircase in to see what it looks like.

Said staircase comes from another dollhouse and makes two turns on the way up. It was so difficult to fit in the first time and get out when I went to prime the house, I decided to take all the railing off it. So I'm thinking it should go in like a charm now. Right? WRONG!

Part of the last step slides under the floor above. Well, that can't happen anymore. Old Miss Smart Pants here put a BEAM in that spot. Way to go for thinking ahead. :glare:

So now I have to cut up the stairs again and redo the top step.

Addie, I'll trade you Pirate for one half done dollhouse.
Could be pollen/allergies at this time of year.

For me, it isn't my usual allergies as they are unusually under control for this time of year. It feels like a never ending cold. But I also found out that my throat problems could be caused by Esophageal Spasms. The ENT wants me back for some more tests but after all this time we may finally have an answer! If that is the case, the cough can be caused by that - at least the choking cough anyway.
First of the month today - writing out bills and taking Mom to Walmart. She's getting a haircut while I do some shopping. Have to go to the bank first, though.
I survived... Didnt know two kids playing, eating and having fun could be like being invaded by Attila the Hun ..
First of the month today - writing out bills and taking Mom to Walmart. She's getting a haircut while I do some shopping. Have to go to the bank first, though.

Unfortunately, I get my check on the third each month. But we go shopping on the second and I write a check. That way by the time they deposit the check, it is the third and the check will clear.

I have only one bill I that I pay. The rest of them are automatically withdrawn from my account. And I have it that all bills are paid on the fourth of the month.
I am contemplating hitting my head against the wall. I worked on the little dollhouse this afternoon. Got the living room wallpapered and carpeted. Then I decided to fit the staircase in to see what it looks like.

Said staircase comes from another dollhouse and makes two turns on the way up. It was so difficult to fit in the first time and get out when I went to prime the house, I decided to take all the railing off it. So I'm thinking it should go in like a charm now. Right? WRONG!

Part of the last step slides under the floor above. Well, that can't happen anymore. Old Miss Smart Pants here put a BEAM in that spot. Way to go for thinking ahead. :glare:

So now I have to cut up the stairs again and redo the top step.

Addie, I'll trade you Pirate for one half done dollhouse.

Nah. I have decided to keep him. And besides, I know I will still have to clean and dust the dollhouse. Pirate does come in handy when I am not feeling too well. He does all the dishes and sweeps the floors. So he is good for something.
I am trying to keep calm and carry on. The moving company's estimator is coming in the morning and I have been sick all day - not only did I not get more packing done as I had hoped by now, the place is a mess. I know they expect that and they are just getting an idea of what we have, but my OCD and perfectionism wanted it all done by now.

Thankfully TB will be here in the morning when they come. I will be so glad when the workers come in Wednesday afternoon to finally patch the holes in the drywall from the flood we had. There is no mold on our side, but the flood was coming from the next door's shower and apparently, that was full of mold. I have been using inhalers, allergy medicine, fans and hepa filters but it is just getting to be too much.

I am also trying to back peddle on a book review for my blog that was due March 31. I got an extension to April 15th but with everything going on it just totally slipped by me. So that will be keeping me busy as well.
My daughter is five the other one has a few months to go before that happens. I think they had fun, my daughter kept telling her friend that in this house we listen to my parents and ask them for permission . ( Like my daughter will that normally, not) The other kid has parents who dont believe in rules or saying no so this kids does what it wants, which makes it harder to have fun.

Every one slept well and I think we wont do this again soon.
I am trying to keep calm and carry on. The moving company's estimator is coming in the morning and I have been sick all day - not only did I not get more packing done as I had hoped by now, the place is a mess. I know they expect that and they are just getting an idea of what we have, but my OCD and perfectionism wanted it all done by now.

Thankfully TB will be here in the morning when they come. I will be so glad when the workers come in Wednesday afternoon to finally patch the holes in the drywall from the flood we had. There is no mold on our side, but the flood was coming from the next door's shower and apparently, that was full of mold. I have been using inhalers, allergy medicine, fans and hepa filters but it is just getting to be too much.

I am also trying to back peddle on a book review for my blog that was due March 31. I got an extension to April 15th but with everything going on it just totally slipped by me. So that will be keeping me busy as well.

Hopefully, this will be your last move ever. But in the event that it is not, keep in mind that the big national companies like Mayflower, Bekins, etc. will come in and pack your whole house for you. My girlfriend lived in Ohio and her husband was transferred to Mass. While she was unpacking and I was helping her, we came across a small item that had been carefully packed. It was a small custard cup with the garbage from her kitchen sink and placed on a lid and left. So you can see, they are thorough. They don't leave anything behind. Not even your garbage. Clothes in the closet stay on their hangers and are packed in a box meant to hang clothes in.

All you have left to do is walk out the door and go to your new home. They mark every box with the room that it is packed in, and place it in the room you designate it for when delivered. They also will give you some small boxes to pack valuables in, like your jewelry, your grandmothers tea service, etc.

Those you pack separately and can take them in your car yourself. Keep this in mind in case you ever move again. And I hope you don't. May this be the last move you ever make. And good luck in your new home.
Thanks, Addie,
We decided to get a moving company to move us, but to save some money we wanted to pack most of the stuff up ourselves. With me getting sick this may go out the window and when the estimator comes we may just as for a quote on finishing the packing. I do still have to go through everything because I am not able to take everything. We are pitching, giving to family and friends and donating what is left to the local thrift store.

When TB got home tonight and saw how sick I was he said that my health is more important than saving money so I guess I can't argue with that. :heart:
LP, take a deep breath. There, better? And TB's comment about your health must have made you feel better. :heart: One bit of advice: ask the moving company point-blank what they charge per pound if they are billing on weight. We did a long-distance move, so that is mostly what our bill was based on. For our return trip, I will definitely base keeping-or-pitching on whether it is cheaper to move or pitch and buy new. Well, except for my cast iron. Can't replace that at any cost. ;)


Addie, a "do everything for you" move costs lots of money. I did a some of my own packing. I took a lot of our things to MA when I had to come come in on new house business while our OH home was still up for sale. And moving companies don't "give" you any little boxes...you pay for every single thing. Our mostly-whole-house move in 2000? Almost $7000. I'm sure the price has only gone up in the ensuing years. One of the reasons I'm purging all I can make myself part with.
Thanks, Addie,
We decided to get a moving company to move us, but to save some money we wanted to pack most of the stuff up ourselves. With me getting sick this may go out the window and when the estimator comes we may just as for a quote on finishing the packing. I do still have to go through everything because I am not able to take everything. We are pitching, giving to family and friends and donating what is left to the local thrift store.

When TB got home tonight and saw how sick I was he said that my health is more important than saving money so I guess I can't argue with that. :heart:

TB is right. But what you can do is be there sitting in a chair as they are packing. And if you see something you don't want to take, let them know so it won't get packed. Have them put it in an empty room. Then TB can be in the new home when they move you in. You can always go back and decide what you want to do with the stuff you decided you didn't want to take with you. Stop pushing yourself so hard. Moving is difficult enough without making it harder. BTW, ask them for some empty cartons so you can pack up the stuff going to Goodwill and other places. Mark the boxes.

Most important, let the movers do their job. They know what they are doing. Forget the "Oh be careful of that. What are you doing to my stuff? Don't break it!" Can you hear the sound of panic in my voice as I type? Think of those men as a blessing sent to you straight from heaven.
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LP, take a deep breath. There, better? And TB's comment about your health must have made you feel better. :heart: One bit of advice: ask the moving company point-blank what they charge per pound if they are billing on weight. We did a long-distance move, so that is mostly what our bill was based on. For our return trip, I will definitely base keeping-or-pitching on whether it is cheaper to move or pitch and buy new. Well, except for my cast iron. Can't replace that at any cost. ;)


Addie, a "do everything for you" move costs lots of money. I did a some of my own packing. I took a lot of our things to MA when I had to come come in on new house business while our OH home was still up for sale. And moving companies don't "give" you any little boxes...you pay for every single thing. Our mostly-whole-house move in 2000? Almost $7000. I'm sure the price has only gone up in the ensuing years. One of the reasons I'm purging all I can make myself part with.

I agree on the cost. But with her being sick, it might be their only recourse. TB has to work while all this is going on. I know those boxes are a chargeable item. But I hope TB can be there tomorrow to ask the right questions. One less stressful thing for her to face. And she has the emotional stress of leaving a home she and TB have loved and cared for.

You know, in this part of town, no one hires a moving company. They rent a truck, buy a case of beer and get all their friends to come and pitch in. They get boxes from the grocery store, liquor store and any other place that receives their merchandise in boxes. Here they all move on the cheap.
Thanks, CG & Addie for caring so much.

So here is what is happening. The movers are coming at 9:30 am on May 20th to move us. On the 17th I am to call our rep and tell her how much is/isn't packed up and they will send someone on the 19th to do what is needed. In the mean time I have 4 friends who are going to come over between now and then and pack for me so we don't have to pay too much for the movers to do it.

My job is to go through the cupboards and drawers (that I can reach) and take out the stuff I don't want. I have a FB group that I am putting the items on for my local friends and family to check out. Anything they don't want goes to goodwill or the area here that is set out for furniture, etc. A truck comes once a week to collect it all.

The movers will put all the furniture where we want at the new place and I have family and friends that live in that city who will be unpacking.

On Tuesday May 23 (Monday is a holiday here) we have a cleaning crew coming in to get the place ready for the new owner so I don't have to worry about that. They don't have to worry too much about carpets as they will be torn out right away. So it is mostly cupboards, floors, bathrooms, kitchen and windows. Walls will be painted so only the obvious marks.

I am feeling much better today - both health-wise and about the move.
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