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Thanks. When I got the shingles I had never heard about the vaccine, I didnt go to the doctors right away, I thought I just had some acid sores coming. I have to be careful with what I drink because of the citric acid and I can't eat oranges, lemons or grapefruit.

I hope your doctor was smart enough to give you the shot. I have never had the chicken pox. When I asked my doctor could I catch them from someone with shingles, within seconds the nurse was at my side to give me the shot.

I watch my husband go through the shingles. I felt so bad for him. There was no vaccine at that time.
I was just thinking that it is just a little over a year that I had the Shingles all over the right side of my head and neck..
Those are rough to deal with. Glad things are finally coming around for you. Both my Mom and my son had them on their backs. I'm hoping the darned thing skips a generation! :LOL: When I checked into getting the shot, the nurse suggested I wait another year or two. Current vaccine is around 50% effective with decreasing effectiveness over five years, but the new one (which she expected to be released for use within the next couple of years) has a 90% effective rate which appears to stay steady over the 4-year test. Since I'm under 70, I would have to pay about $85 for my shot. I'll take my chances (she said with fingers crossed).
Those are rough to deal with. Glad things are finally coming around for you. Both my Mom and my son had them on their backs. I'm hoping the darned thing skips a generation! :LOL: When I checked into getting the shot, the nurse suggested I wait another year or two. Current vaccine is around 50% effective with decreasing effectiveness over five years, but the new one (which she expected to be released for use within the next couple of years) has a 90% effective rate which appears to stay steady over the 4-year test. Since I'm under 70, I would have to pay about $85 for my shot. I'll take my chances (she said with fingers crossed).

Thanks for an update. I am going on the 26th for my monthly vitals. I am going to ask if I have the latest and greatest shot. I know that I got a second shot for pneumonia. It was the latest one to come out at that time. Winthrop is pretty good with staying with any and all updates for medical care. The one thing I like about Winthrop about 95% of their personnel are trained in geriatric care.
I am trying to arrange for new neighbours and family members to take Violet out to the park for the next few days. Even though most of the fires in BC are further north and east of where we live, there is still a lot of smoke accumulating down here near the coast. There is an air quality advisory for anyone with asthma or other lung/breathing problems to stay in as much as possible. I believe that is what was affecting me in the morning. The two times I went out today were no better. It is only an advisory and not a warning but I need to be so careful.

It is heartbreaking seeing all the reports on the news of the evacuations and video of houses burning to the ground. Some friends and family are involved in all of this and we can only sit back and hope and pray it all turns out well for them.
I am trying to arrange for new neighbours and family members to take Violet out to the park for the next few days. Even though most of the fires in BC are further north and east of where we live, there is still a lot of smoke accumulating down here near the coast. There is an air quality advisory for anyone with asthma or other lung/breathing problems to stay in as much as possible. I believe that is what was affecting me in the morning. The two times I went out today were no better. It is only an advisory and not a warning but I need to be so careful.

It is heartbreaking seeing all the reports on the news of the evacuations and video of houses burning to the ground. Some friends and family are involved in all of this and we can only sit back and hope and pray it all turns out well for them.

Get your hands on some surgical masks. Wear one whenever you have to go out the door for any reason. Even to take out the trash or garbage. You will need more than one. If you can get a box of the disposable ones, even better. They have some that are treated with a yellow paper that catches all things in the air. I have some from Winthrop that when the flu is on a march, I wear it when I have to go into a building where there are a lot of people.
...It is heartbreaking seeing all the reports on the news of the evacuations and video of houses burning to the ground. Some friends and family are involved in all of this and we can only sit back and hope and pray it all turns out well for them.
I hope your friends and loved ones make it through these fires safely and with everything intact.


I'm counting my blessings. I've decided that it's much better than crabbing about things...
MRI done...now waiting for results. Will know more about Mom's trials on Wednesday. Then I got a phone call, I have a doctor's appointment Wednesday...ARRRRGH.
I was just thinking that it is just a little over a year that I had the Shingles all over the right side of my head and neck. I still have scars on the side of my face and neck. I also have a very sore and touchie right ear ( which was full of the sores). The hair I had lost because of the scabs has grown back in thank goodness. I hope never to get the shingles again.

Did you ever get the Shingles vaccine or could you not get it?
Get your hands on some surgical masks. Wear one whenever you have to go out the door for any reason. Even to take out the trash or garbage. You will need more than one. If you can get a box of the disposable ones, even better. They have some that are treated with a yellow paper that catches all things in the air. I have some from Winthrop that when the flu is on a march, I wear it when I have to go into a building where there are a lot of people.
Thanks, Addie, yes I have these on hand all the time. I even keep a couple in a ziplock bag in my purse. I wear them a lot in the winter to protect me from colds, flu, and other bugs. I hadn't worn one before this morning because we didn't think the smoke was coming this far south. However, after feeling the way I did last night and hearing the alerts I did use one on this morning's dog walk. Plus they are mowing the grass which is another huge asthma/allergy trigger.

TB set up my nebulizer for me as I finally found it in one of the unpacked boxes. I was only able to find one nebule at the time but it did increase my breathing by quite a bit. I am currently doing the usual double dose so hopefully that will get me through the morning. All windows are shut, air conditioner is on so we don't fry, and the air filters are on high, one in every room like the old days.
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Browsing around here looking at food pics.
They look so nice.
My video card went.Had a back up one that was old but still usable.Everything was slow choppy and blurry.
Does that sound like a recipe or directions?:ermm:

Getting used to a new keyboard.Yep I'm old.Picked a new one that has huge keys and the board lights up in 3 colors.WOW!
Now everyone wants one.
The next one will have sparklies and Unicorns.:ROFLMAO::LOL:

Browsing around here looking at food pics.
They look so nice.
My video card went.Had a back up one that was old but still usable.Everything was slow choppy and blurry.
Does that sound like a recipe or directions?:ermm:

Getting used to a new keyboard.Yep I'm old.Picked a new one that has huge keys and the board lights up in 3 colors.WOW!
Now everyone wants one.
The next one will have sparklies and Unicorns.:ROFLMAO::LOL:


OooooH! That's the one I want.
Pilots & Paws

We flew down to San Diego to pick up 2 rescue German Shepherds from Tijuana. We loaded them in a crate and flew them to the lady who was rescuing them.
I finally learned how to send texts on my flip phone to contact the sending and receiving parties.


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We flew down to San Diego to pick up 2 rescue German Shepherds from Tijuana. We loaded them in a crate and flew them to the lady who was rescuing them.
I finally learned how to send texts on my flip phone to contact the sending and receiving parties.
Those poor puppies. They are skin and bones! I am so glad they have found a new forever home.

Congrats on learning a new skill! Texting opens up a whole new world!
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