What are your roots?

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I didn't grow up with my father but my mother told me he is a baptized mormon and direct descendent of Brigham Young and yes that is my maiden name lol. She said he was Cherokee, German and French but I've found no indication that he or any of his wives were any of those nationalities. I am dying to know what his lineage is, I've been trying to investigate for years but I can't find his name among any of the Brigham Young family trees online. Some from my dad's generation are incomplete because the descendants don't want their info public. I was told by the mormom church in Vegas that they keep impeccible records of all baptized mormons so I could go research their records if I wanted to but I never had the time.
On my mom's side, they are half Sicilian Italian (her mom) and half Syrian (her dad).
Wow, lets see, my mother is from Taiwan. My paternal grandmother was from Italy and married my paternal grandfather who was in the military, he is German and Irish. So that makes me half chinese and a quarter Italian with some German and Irish in me. But I consider myself American since I don't speak or understand any chinese and was raised here. I've been told that I looked hispanic before since I am darker complected due to my italian roots. But I think I look more pacific islander more than anything.

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