What did you eat Saturday, December 17, 2022?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
No one did a dinner thread yesterday?

Breaded thin-cut chicken breast, and baby Brussels sprouts.


I was wondering if anyone else would start the supper thread. I didn't want to, because we ordered out. But, it was really good. We ordered from one of our favourite Italian restos. We shared a piatto di salumi, a salade mista, and a penne salsiccia (Italian sausage, rapini, EVOO, garlic, chili). Very pleased with that supper and I'm going to look for a good recipe for that penne salsiccia.
Let me know if you find a good recipe for the pasta dish, @taxlady ! I looked online and there seems to be many ways to make a dish with similar names...all very different!
Yeah, I've been looking at online recipes and I get the gist. I'll wing it to try to make something similar.

While I was down that rabbit hole, I decided to find out about the word "rapini". In Italian, it means "turnip greens". Hmm, since rapini is closely related to stuff like bok choy, tatsoi, mizuna, and even napa cabbage. I might just go with a somewhat bitter green that is more easily available from local sources.

Basically, I'll fry some skinned Italian sausage, broken into largish lumps. Add a handful or two of chopped greens and sauté until wilted. Then, in goes some garlic and some chili flakes for a minute or so and then add the penne and a bit of the pasta water. I wonder if they added just a touch of parm.

Here's a picture of the dish from the resto, to give you an idea of the amounts of ingredients.

We went out to do some shopping and stopped at Panera for dinner. I had creamy chicken soup with wild rice and a half turkey BLT and DH had French onion soup with half a steak sandwich.
I liked Panera's chicken and wild rice soup so much I make it for us often during the winter, @GotGarlic. It's one of Himself's favorites, too.

We were on the road, so we split a roast beef sandwich and nibbled raw veggies while in the car, then finished off the pizza from Thursday once we got to the hotel.
We've been to Panera's exactly once. Such an experience, that we never returned.
We have Panera's coming (under construction now. No shop lights on. No coupons!) They put it on dead end street ... before it was just a big hole in the ground.
Hopefully, you get better staffing at your location...but for me, I'll never go back or to any other location.
Sorry to hear this. I looking forward to lunching with you at the new place! LOL I just wonder what the holdup is getting this place finished ... It's becoming a bigger eyesore than the old lot with the hole and a bunch of weeds.

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