What is Buttermilk?

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Senior Cook
Dec 4, 2006
Colombia, South America
In sometimes in recipes they ask for BUTTERMILK. Where I live it is not known. How can I replace it? with cream? or Sourcream? Thanks for any help or advise in this matter.
Hi 2belucile. Welcome to DC. Here's a link explaining what buttermilk is: Buttermilk.

When I don't have buttermilk, I substitute soured milk. If the recipe calls for 1 cup buttermilk, you can put 1 tablespoon lemon juice into 1 cup of plain milk. Let sit for a little while until it curdles a but, then use it. It works just fine.
If you make butter from whole milk, what is left after you remove the butter is buttermilk.
Thanks for the help to Katie, Barb and Andy. From now on, if I see a recipe that asks for buttermilk, I can try to make it instead of just look for something else. Have a nice evening
I've used plain yogurt and sour cream as well. If it is a recipe where the fat content is important to finished product, be sure not to use a nonfat substitute.
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