What is this odd... thingy?

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Assistant Cook
Oct 10, 2005
My mother had been going through her mother's old cooking tools recently, and she came across a most curious tool. It seems to be a press of some sort. It has handles similar to a garlic press, but it has no holes. The box-shaped press at the end of the handles opens to reveal what I can only describe as ribs - five or six flat metal plates, about 1.5-2cm thick, that are curved and stick straight up from the bottom of the compartment, parallel to each other. The top half has 1/2 deep slots. The dividers are of thin plates of metal, less than a cm thick, welded to the top of the compartment. The openings between dividers are wider than the ribs themselves. The entire piece is steel, welded, obviously, and the only word printed on it is "Japan". I assume this means it was made in japan, since my grandmother was not a very exotic cook, although she was a very good cook. I have no idea what this thing does... I'll try to get a picture - it's difficult for me to properly describe this piece. Anyone who has any ideas as to what exactly this thing does, please post!
Well, Chikazz, I am of no help to you, but, I can gaurantee that someone will know exactly what it is and does!
I just wanted to welcome you, so....

Hope you stay!
Hey Texasgirl :) Thanks for the warm welcome ^_^ I'm sure you're right - someone will know! Anywho, I've gotta get these pics off my cell and uploaded so you guys can see this strange thingy for yourselves! Chow! :)
Here we go!

Okay, since there seems to be no 'edit' button, I'm making a new post for these pictures. Hopefully they'll help to identify this odd thingy :) *edit* Apparently I can only edit until someone replies? Oh well. Anyway, my description is off, but I did it from memory since this thing was three floors down at the time :) *yet another edit* Hi pdswife! ^_^ Thanks :)


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Does one part of it go into the other part like a box and top or do they meet at the edges leaving the entire middle space double deep?

Did that make sense?

Thanks guys! Pity we have no real use for it, since our fridge can crush our ice for us, but I'm gonna try it out anyway, tomorrow!
:LOL: Goodweed.........whats funny is thats what I was thinking. I instantly thought........if this new med DH started tonight doesn't help his restless leg syndrome I could find a use for that tool and it would involve ....well lets just keep it at that.

I was up an hour last night trying to fall asleep while go go gadget was trying to find some traction on the mattress :LOL:
My mom had one of those too, so she could crush ice to go in Dad's thermos bottle.
As far as I know, she never used it as an instrument of torture.
SizzlininIN said:
:LOL: Goodweed.........whats funny is thats what I was thinking. I instantly thought........if this new med DH started tonight doesn't help his restless leg syndrome I could find a use for that tool and it would involve ....well lets just keep it at that.

I was up an hour last night trying to fall asleep while go go gadget was trying to find some traction on the mattress :LOL:

I've heard that a bar of soap under the foot of the mattress works for restless leg but there are also meds - my son takes them! Try those first before the tool! lol
Instrument of torture... hee... when I first saw it, my dad made one of his usual wisecracks. I turned to mom, with a deadpan expression, and said, "I know what it is. It's a medieval torture device, commonly used to break the bones of fingers into very tiny pieces." My dad turned white as a sheet for just a moment before he realized I was joking. That's what I call a Kodak Moment ;)
I should have had you people helping me with my first fantasy novel. There's a particularly cruel sorceress in it.:rolleyes:

But really, I meant as an instrument to crack walnuts, pecans, hazlenuts, etc.

Boy, give 'em and inch...:LOL:

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
Aww, Goodweed, don't be such a downer ;) We're all imaginative adults here! It's fun to think up various uses for household implements ^_~ Personally, though, I think using it as a 'nutcracker' - in the sense Sizzlin meant - is just a wee bit drastic >.< I'm female, but that doesn't mean I can't imagine just how painful that would be o_O


*Evil cackle* Fantasy novel? Cruel sorceress? I want to read it!
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