What is your weather like right now?

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Just the usual weather to report. Rain, rain, rain, thunderstorm, rain, rain, rain. Anything new out there going on?
Quitcherbichin', Addie. :LOL: I just saw an updated drought map for the state during tonight's news. There isn't one region in the state that is now experiencing severe or greater drought conditions. In fact, 1/3 of the state is no longer in drought conditions, and 50% is only rated "abnormally dry". This IS a good thing if you want local produce this summer and fall. The only downside to this is possible damage in flood-prone areas. It's a shame.
Quitcherbichin', Addie. :LOL: I just saw an updated drought map for the state during tonight's news. There isn't one region in the state that is now experiencing severe or greater drought conditions. In fact, 1/3 of the state is no longer in drought conditions, and 50% is only rated "abnormally dry". This IS a good thing if you want local produce this summer and fall. The only downside to this is possible damage in flood-prone areas. It's a shame.

Here in Texas, our droughts usually end with flooding, and our flooding usually ends in drought. We are completely dependent, in most of Texas, on man-made lakes (reservoirs). We count on winter rain to fill them up, to get us through the summer.

This year, the Trinity river basin reservoirs are pretty close to full. The lake my town draws from is 92-percent full right now. We will still end up with water restrictions by July, but hopefully not too tight. If we are at 60-something-percent in April, July through October are really rough.

50 degrees outside ATM, and not quite as windy as yesterday. Went to Walmart yesterday and almost got knocked on my butt by the wind when I was putting gas in the car.
Yesterday morning I made a fast run to the corner store on my scooter. When I got to the intersection, I was just sitting there waiting for traffic to pass. Along comes one of the little cars and when it reached the intersection, a gust on wind came and it caught that car just right. It blew it just a couple of feet toward the curb. No one was hurt or any damage. But it sure rattled that driver. He shut off the engine and just sat there trying to collect himself. Traffic had to go around him.
We had a lot of rain today. That's a good thing. The ground got a good soaking, and the reservoirs got filled a little more before summer.

We have a little weather station on the kitchen windowsill with an outside thermometer that said 77 degrees! Too darned hot for the first half of April. At least it will be closer to normal in a couple of days, getting back into the 50s.
Calm and somewhat clear now, but totally schizo with wind all day today. I had 8 stores to get to, plus the library and the post office. I started at about 1pm today and when I got into my car, it was pouring. When I left the car to go into the PO, it was sunshining less than 3 miles and ten minutes away Then it would be clear with sunshine when I went into a store and dark as night and pouring out again when I'd come out 5 minutes later. At one point it was pouring with sunshine!

This went on the entire 5 hours I was running around doing errands. Then I got home and turned my lights on because it was so dark. Ten minutes later, the sun came out and it was bright as noon and I went round turning all the lights off. Ten minutes after that, I was turning them on again.
I have a new way for Shrek to get some exercise, I open the windows and he walks around closing them...

DH and I exercise like that, only the opposite way. He opens, I close.

The last two days we had 70° F. Today it's 46°. April can be cruel. The moon was beautiful last night after I finally found it.
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