What is your weather like right now?

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It was 37 degrees today. It snowed yesterday, but was sunny today We didn't have a one horse open sleigh, so we took a ride in the Maita with the top down. Only in Colorado! :D

Our first non-white Christmas since movinghere, and everyone I know is joyful about it! Global warming be damned, we've had a major ice or snow storm for our early Christmas party (the first Sunday in December) for at least 5 years now. It never seemed to stop anyone, but everyone was grateful to be able to make the 22 steps from the street to my front door, and back out after awhile of making merry, without having to worry about life and limb! Do not miss it, at all. I know it will come and get me, but the past few years have shown record snows, ice, and cold, so a late winter makes me feel like dancing.
Windy and warmer this morning our dusting of snow has melted.

The TV fella said that last year at this time we had already had over 70 inches of snow. This year it has been 1 1/2 inches. We always get about the same amount each year so when it finally comes it should be an old fashioned blizzard!
The temp yesterday when I went to my daughter's for the holiday dinner was in the low 30's. This morning it has climbed up to 41ºF. Later today the both of us are going to see Peter Pan, the play. It is one of my presents. I think it was really a present for my daughter from herself. But I won't tell. I saw the play when I was in the sixth grade. Jean Arthur played Peter Pan. But first we are going out to eat at our faborite Italian restaurant. I am going to have eggplant parm. :yum:
It was a beautiful 48F in SE S.D. today, a little windy, other than that, it was great!
Yeasterday it got up to 47 deg. Unbeliavable. I am not complaining, the older I get the harder it is to deal with cold and snow.
Snowed all night. Took this pic just after breakfast this morning:


DH went out and felt it necessary to run the snowblower:


We are NOT amused:

A tad chilly today. 3:10pm and only 61F, 12 mph wind from the west and 73% humidity. An expected low in the upper 30s tonight. If it really gets into the 30s, it'll be the coldest yet this winter.

I already put a second comforter on the bed.

Might even put a heater on tonight.
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