What is your weather like right now?

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Sorry to hear you guys are all having so much yukky heat and humidity :(

Our Summers are always very hot and dry where we are..dont like Summer and I am hoping Winter lasts forever!
Yesterday was beautiful, it barely hit 80. Now we are looking at 4 straight days over 100! Don't feel bad for me though, I work inside with A/C and my house stays nice and cool. I do feel terrible for people who have to work outside or have no a/c.
bakechef said:
Yesterday was beautiful, it barely hit 80. Now we are looking at 4 straight days over 100! Don't feel bad for me though, I work inside with A/C and my house stays nice and cool. I do feel terrible for people who have to work outside or have no a/c.

Aww Cheryl, isn't that awful when some of your plants stems, branches etc break due to the heavy winds...not nice at all!
We have 100° here, don't even want to know the heat index. Blast furnace!

Eek! HI of 118!
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Two of our outside thermometers, both in heavy shade, read 100F and it's not the heat of the day. It's been brutal today. I watered our container veggie garden twice today and both times they were showing signs of wilting. Some of the low ground cover is curling up and falling over. That's new today. Tomorrow's supposed to be hotter.:ohmy:
Still no rain and hot, hot, hot! Setting high temp records here left and right. It was 103F here today, with predictions for higher temperatures to come the next 6 or so days. No rain AT ALL expected for at least another week!!!!

Many areas here are under burn bans and fireworks for our Fourth of July festivities are being cancelled/prohibited left and right due to the extreme dryness.
Its almost like tropical weather here in Munich, Germany. It rained last night and it is also 30 C , so we have hot and humid, and if we had around 5 more degrees of heat, then it would be typical of most parts of south east Asia, where I have been a bunch of times. :)
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