What is your weather like right now?

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Thanks everyone. Yeah, the snow looks clean again with a little new snow on top, but it doesn't really get that dirty out back, away from the street.

GG, Stirling was feeling a bit better yesterday 'cause he has learned what movements hurt. I don't know how he's doing today. He's getting any sleep he can any time he can get it.

Cheryl, gorgeous flowers. What are the little purple ones?......

Taxy, those are vinca. Thank you for asking. They do really well here. I hope Stirling is doing better. :flowers:
Finally, I can see more ground than snow out our windows! :clap: But another week of weird weather ahead. Snow likely Wednesday. Could be a dusting, could be two feet. Depends on which way the wind blows. Meanwhile, most are predicting around 60 for Saturday, but as taxy's weather video stated, that would be considered a "Plus One!" day! :LOL:
It's a rather blustery, cold day for January. The fact that it's occurring in March makes it a real pain in the neck. :glare: The temperature and the wind gust speeds are almost the same! 26 degrees/25 MPH gusts. :wacko: We didn't think to bring our empty 30-gallon trash can into the garage last night. Had to nab the bottom from where the grass meets the driveway. Found the lid in the garden...this time that cluster of brambles was there for a good reason. Both parts are now hiding in the garage.
Wow, sounds like it's windy just about everywhere....nasty day here today. Cold (for here), in the mid 60's and the wind is blowing to beat all. 55 MPH gusts, sand and dirt blowing everywhere. Pinecones keep falling off the trees and bouncing off the roof...kind of noisy. :LOL:
Got to 45°F, some sun, and now it's cloudy, 43, and the wind's ablowin' here along the river.
Just under the freezing mark now, but supposed to stay above freezing for the next week. Let the flooding begin.
For some reason I have thoughts of Hammy Hamster in my head.
Thank you :) DH gets all the credit. He planted them several years ago when I was sick and I get such joy from watching them bloom.

My favorite flower. One year my husband was coming home from a fishing trip. As he left Maverick Subway station, there was a vendor selling them outside the station. He bought two bunches for me. When he got home he gave each of the kids money to go down and buy him out. I had quite a large bouquet. They were beautiful. I still see them in my mind. One of the benefits of living in Western Washington is at this time of year you see them every where. You are so fortunate. :angel:
It is snowing on the mountains but not down here in the valley.


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It was mid 50's. We went for a walk, but had to cut it short when it started raining. Beagle hates to get wet.
wet, heavy, slushy snow. 30F in SE South Dakota. 65F predicted for Sunday so it won't last long. It will be good moisture for the fields for the farmers.
It snowed and snowed all morning, then it started raining and it was coming down in buckets when I left work. Now it's dry out.
I woke up to what looked like a blizzard. The big fat snow flakes were coming down fast and furious. There was about 2-3 inches of new white stuff. Then it started to rain. Then it stopped raining. It's supposed to rain on and off all day. It's 2°C (36°F) and going up to 5°C (41°F). It should go up to freezing or above every day for the next little while.
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