What is your weather like right now?

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Wet and 60 degrees right now. I'll be in San Antonio tomorrow, where it is supposed to be 82 and overcast.

Two of my windows are facing the deep well like place where they have access to the sump pump and mechanical room. A tin can was blown down there and we have been having winds at night. High enough to make that dang can rattle around and around.

Our temps are supposed to go up to 40ºF. today. But I am still going to put on my winter coat. The wind is still insistent and that dang can is still rattling around.
We had spring, with snowdrops and bare ground so I sent my daughter north to see the snow and have fun, since we havent had proper snow this winter.

Yeah we have 30 cm of snow now and nice winter wonderland.
February was an unusually mild month. About one week into it, I said to Himself "just watch, February and March will just change places. It's gonna be a cold March". Hmm, today's high was 18. Won't see a high temperature of the day even close to the average of 43 in the next week. We might get a foot of snow Tuesday, after getting 3-4 inches on Thursday. Why am I not doing weather on TV? Oh, it's because no one wants to watch an old, chubby lady on TV. :LOL: Unless it's a cooking show, I suppose. :mrgreen:


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Yeah, a friend of mine said her mother was saying that Gaia got February and March confused this year. That would explain it.

Earlier today it was -20°C (-4°F) and we had a high of -15°C (5°F). It's only 10 days to the Vernal Equinox. *Sigh*

Can we please fast forward to the part where we are complaining about the heat?
It was a mostly sunny 75 today, but a front has passed through, so it is supposed to get down to 39 tonight, and only up to 58 tomorrow. It is not forecasted to get back into the 70s until Friday. Must be the last gasp of winter.

What constitutes "heat" in Quebec? Down here it is 100-plus F, or 38C.

Between May and October, my oven does not get turned on, period.

Do you have dry or humid heat? Montréal is on an island, so you can guess which we have. We are definitely complaining at 30C (86F).
It is 10ºF. Right now that is considered "high".

It has to be me. I cannot get the walls of this apartment warmed up. I know it is just old age catching up with me.

We are waiting for the Nor'easter to arrive. As a kid, I loved these storms. Now it seems like I can never get warm. A flannel nightgown, sweater, heavy bathroom and a shawl. I never feel warm enough until the room temp reaches 80ºF. But that is just too hot for Pirate. So 75ºF. it where it stays. Just because I don't have to pay for my heat, doesn't give me the right to abuse it.
Do you have dry or humid heat? Montréal is on an island, so you can guess which we have. We are definitely complaining at 30C (86F).

Here in Dallas, it is somewhat humid. Not Houston humidity, but definitely noticeable. If it is 100-degrees, the heat index will usually be around 105. It is not "dry heat."

Now, down in Houston, if you walk outside on a 90-degree day, and you wear glasses, your glasses fog up. That, and you sweat immediately.

Getting warm here in these parts....80F here now at 6:45, low of 50 tonight and high of 85 tomorrow. Time to take the 'winter' comforter off the bed. :)

Those of you who are looking at unusual cold and upcoming gnarly snowstorms....holy cow. Be safe! :ohmy:

CD....that's what I have trouble with, is the humidity. It's normally pretty dry out here, but every now and then it gets up to 20% humidity and I die.
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Getting warm here in these parts....80F here now at 6:45, low of 50 tonight and high of 85 tomorrow. Time to take the 'winter' comforter off the bed. :)

Those of you who are looking at unusual cold and upcoming gnarly snowstorms....holy cow. Be safe! :ohmy:

CD....that's what I have trouble with, is the humidity. It's normally pretty dry out here, but every now and then it gets up to 20% humidity and I die.

Most of the time Pirate and I poo poo any severe weather warning. Our TV stations can really screw up a weather report that never happens.

But not this time. We both went through the fridge and cabinets to make sure we have enough food. Also checked our battery and candle supply. We are supposed to get hit with two separate storms. Either one can make us snow bound for at least a week. If we do get hit by both of them, it can keep us housebound for much longer.

Spike went over to Chelsea to the supermarket and pick up some stuff we all needed. He won't be going anywhere in his car. And if it should get snowed in, it will stay that way until Mother Nature takes care of the snow herself. As Spike says, she put the snow there, she can take it away.

The only one in this family that loves the snow is Teddy. I will try to get some pictures of him this time. The deeper the snow, the happier he is.
It's warmed up to -7°C (19°F) because we are expecting a snowstorm tomorrow. It's probably the same one that Addie is getting.
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