What is your weather like right now?

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I hear yuh CG. right now at 6 pm the temp has drop about 2 degrees - so now it is only 89F except it feels like 97 with the humidity.

Monday will be nasty with a high of 96F - have no idea what the humidity will add.

didn't close up the windows nor turn on the AC today - but probably tonight.

I need the AC due to heat problems with my body - but I can't stand to close the windows after the winter is over! I want to hear the birds. I want to smell the air! I want to feel the wind! (when there is any)
Our current temperature has also dropped two degrees from the day's high - it's now 91, with a heat index of 98. I've spent most of the day inside, but DH just can't help himself. He's tired of the peeling paint on the front porch, so he scraped it, washed it, repainted the porch swing and started painting the porch so we can see what the color looks like dry.

And now he's walking the dog :crazy: I don't know how he does it. This heat makes me melt. I did get to the grocery store today, though.
We had a balmy mid-nineties today, with HI of 107 according to the TV weatherman. My shaded thermometer now says it's 88°F. More of the same predicted for tomorrow, I am in love with my air conditioner!
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No problem, PF - I'll take it!

Actually turned the AC on tonight. woof!

Update - it is 75 outside right now which is not bad - but the humidity is dripping.
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Yup, we're at the start of a heat wave that is predicted to last until Friday. They are giving all the warnings about staying hydrated and that it is particularly risky for the young, the elderly, and the ill. I'm in love with my AC too. I'm mostly staying inside.

Had a bit of rain and lightning this evening. More is in the forecast.
We are having a heat wave. I'm staying inside my air conditioned house.

Screenshot of our weather and forecast. "Moving Day" is today, 1 July, because in Quebec, most residential leases start 1 July and end 30 June. Yes, it does mean that all large part of the city is playing "musical apartments" today. 33°C = 91°F and 43°C = 109°F


  • Screenshot-2018-7-1 Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec 7 Day Weather Forecast - The Weather Network.jpg
    Screenshot-2018-7-1 Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec 7 Day Weather Forecast - The Weather Network.jpg
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I'm inside, and in air conditioning, and yet the heat still seems to suck the energy right out of me. I'm trying to stay cool, remembering with fondness that one day of spring we had between winter and this. *sigh* Meanwhile, I think this sums up how I feel:

I'm inside, and in air conditioning, and yet the heat still seems to suck the energy right out of me. I'm trying to stay cool, remembering with fondness that one day of spring we had between winter and this. *sigh* Meanwhile, I think this sums up how I feel:


C'mon CG, haven't you heard, nothing to see here... it's all a hoax. :rolleyes:

Besides, feel fortunate that you are, um, "well seasoned," like me. it is your grandchildren who will be around when the really bad stuff happens, thanks to us.

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96° today. And Oy, it's so humid. I'm schvitzin' all over the place.

Hot town summer in the city
Back of my neck getting dirt and gritty
Been down, isn't it a pity
Doesn't seem to be a shadow in the city
All around people looking half dead
Walking on the sidewalk hotter than a match head
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