What's been happening in my life (Beth's Story)

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Beth, you say it is the steroids that are giving him this "Incredible Hulk" stamina. Maybe, but more I think it is Rich's love and concern for you.

I wish I could send you the ability to relax and just enjoy the time you have left with him here, but I know if I were in the same place I'd also probably be a nervous wreck. Sending you many hugs, and prayers, as always.


BTW, great pix. especially the one of the kitty on the tree trunk. :)
As always, when I read some of your story, my heart just fills up. Love and prayers going up for you both Beth. Rich is an amazing guy, and I'm glad you are storing up so many wonderful memories and feelings. Your pictorial record alone is awesome. I'm with June, that kitty picture is classic. It reminds me of my own Tuxedo baby. Yours looks very girly though. She is a girl kitty isn't she?
the kitty in this photo is currently a boy. This past February, we had a female tuxedo cat show up (Blackie), took about 2 months to get a hand on her, had her spayed, she became a house cat, then she peed on the bed and became an outdoor cat. She then moved into the barn a few months, but took off and we see her maybe once a month now. This kitten showed up, looks remarkably like Blackie, about two months ago and immediately stole our hearts. This cat is more like a dog. He purrs all the time, follows us around, goes on walks with us, is always trying to get in the house. I will schedule him on Saturday for a sex change operation next month. He is so friendly. Donna one of the Hospice nurses named him Donna, until we discovered he is Don.
Beth, you just described my Tuxedo boy. He was such a lover and snuggler. He followed me from room to room in the house (indoor cat ONLY) and would take every opportunity for snuggling he could get. Maybe he came back to be your boy for a while.
I find yours and Rich's story to be very uplifting and full of love. I hope that when I am in your situation in the future that I carry myself with the same poise and calm.

My prayers for you and Rich. Hugs!
Beth, I've been following your story and it is very inspirational. The strength of character you both have displayed is beyond amazing. Treasure every minute you have together. This will be a wonderful Thanksgiving for your family. You have been truly blessed.
hey UB, thanks for the thoughts, 'ppreciate them.

We had that one week in October where he lost six pounds, but since then, we have been able to keep his weight stable at 110#. We guess his cancer was going haywire that week. Even though he continues to take the steroid, his energy level is decreasing. And his discomfort level is increasing after eating.

Today we will finish up the big tree felling project. He will be bringing to the woodshed the last of the firewood...will get a picture probably today, after it is all stacked. His next project is the upstairs of the barn, going through all the stuff that has been stored there. He has three friends lined up to come for a visit. Two will be here for practice shooting and one will haul away stuff from the barn. There are a lot of things we don't talk about, like, why is he practice shooting? We also don't talk about the holidays, still taking just one day at a time. We are not expecting anyone over tomorrow. I am fixing a brined and roasted chicken, that's all! But Hospice was here yesterday and asked if we are accepting the catered meal they are providing and I said no. And then she said, yes, we were. So we will have delivered a full Thanksgiving meal which serves 6 to 8. I am hoping they deliver some gravy!! Never was good with gravy:).

He has plans to ride his motorcycle to TN in a few weeks. He just bought an electrically heated vest for the trip. I just hope he feels like making that trip.

Here's hoping you all have a happy Thanksgiving and that you all appreciate what you have!:)
Its not our Thanksgiving here this week, but I just want to say I'm thankful that there are people like you and Rich around, Beth. I'm just so touched by your story and am humbled that you would share it with us. I'm thankful as well that you get this day and each new one together.
Here's hoping you all have a happy Thanksgiving and that you all appreciate what you have!:)

Beth, this is a very profound statement and even more so by the fact that you said it. You and Rich are the perfect example of that statement and while, as with Alix, this is not our Thanksgiving, I give thanks for your strength, openness and incredible courage to take each day at a time.
Thanks for the kind words everyone:flowers:

and here are some photos of the firewood project, with one "before" photo and the "after" photos including shots of Donna/Don/Donette;)


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...Here's hoping you all have a happy Thanksgiving and that you all appreciate what you have!:)
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Beth and Rich!

Yes, we definitely need to learn to appreciate what we have. As I get older I learn more and more to appreciate the little things.

hey UB, thanks for the thoughts, 'ppreciate them.

We had that one week in October where he lost six pounds, but since then, we have been able to keep his weight stable at 110#. We guess his cancer was going haywire that week. Even though he continues to take the steroid, his energy level is decreasing. And his discomfort level is increasing after eating.

Today we will finish up the big tree felling project. He will be bringing to the woodshed the last of the firewood...will get a picture probably today, after it is all stacked. His next project is the upstairs of the barn, going through all the stuff that has been stored there. He has three friends lined up to come for a visit. Two will be here for practice shooting and one will haul away stuff from the barn. There are a lot of things we don't talk about, like, why is he practice shooting? We also don't talk about the holidays, still taking just one day at a time. We are not expecting anyone over tomorrow. I am fixing a brined and roasted chicken, that's all! But Hospice was here yesterday and asked if we are accepting the catered meal they are providing and I said no. And then she said, yes, we were. So we will have delivered a full Thanksgiving meal which serves 6 to 8. I am hoping they deliver some gravy!! Never was good with gravy:).

He has plans to ride his motorcycle to TN in a few weeks. He just bought an electrically heated vest for the trip. I just hope he feels like making that trip.

Here's hoping you all have a happy Thanksgiving and that you all appreciate what you have!:)

Morning Miss Beth....Hope your day is off to a good start!! Thanks for the update on all the 'goings on', on the Zaring Plantation!! Looks like someone has been very busy splitting wood!! Wow!!! What a Wood Shed!! Great pictures. I knew that tree would produce a lot of wood, and it did

I wouldn't worry to much about the gravy...with your roasted chicken you can make a fine gravy!! ~~ Instead, I would be hoping for a ...Chocolate Pie, maybe a Chocolate Cake..or sumpin Chocolate anyway!!:LOL:

Take care and Enjoy your day!!!!!
Dear Beth, you've been on my mind today, and then I checked in here and saw your updates. Sending you hugs.

Learned long ago to appreciate the little joys in life, but sometimes need reminding.
Hey Miss Beth...I saw your Christmas tree with the new lights in the Christmas tree thread....Very pretty! .... I've been thinking about y'all and wanting to say hi....So Hi Miss Beth!! :) ~~~ I know the wood shed is coming in handy with all of the cold weather...Has been cold here in Dixieland too...but not like at your house I'm sure....Prolly lots snow too huh? Brrrrrrrrr, Makes me shiver just to think about it....These cold mornings make me glad I got rid of the milk cow a long time ago..:LOL:... Anyway, just wanted to drop in and say hi.

Take Care.......
Howdy back atcha Uncle Bob.....yep, got lotsa snow, 3 1/2 inches yesterday and dern it, its' snowing again, weren't supposed to get any today. I'm keeping the fires burning! Yesterday morning dh went to TN to see his mom and both brothers. I'm sitting this one out, for a couple of reasons. His Mom can be with all her children.....and I'm not doing so well. The long term stress is affecting me. I'm thinking of going to Bryn Mawr PA to see my other sister when dh returns..think getting out to a big city will do me good..

You take care too!
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